The AMC is not “hoarding” the now $213 mil in net assets (2023 financials). About $95 mil is properly and equipment, about $99 mil is endowment, and the remaining $19 mil or so a bunch of other items. …
Dr Daisypiodidae as always provides thoughtful and well researched information and analysis. Like him I also applaud the AMC’s transparency. I also agree that in the modern world assets of $213 milllion is essentially chump change for a nonprofit. Most nonprofits require quite a lot more just to survive in a corporate world of multi billion dollar for profit companiesFor example, Phillips Exeter Academy has a $1.6 bil endowment, Yale $40.7 bil, and Harvard $50.7 bil. So, the AMC’s endowment is “small peanuts” by comparison to these prestigious academic institutions, which offer large aid grants to students in financial need.
Unlike the AMC, the Sierra Club, Wilderness Society, and many other non-profit environmental organizations do not make public their endowments, but the Sierra Club’s minimum donation amount for a named endowed fund is $250k. Therefore, I think that the AMC is a much better example than these others for full disclosure of their financial operations.
Ha. Similar experience...I used to say "We're a for-profit company or at least trying like hell to be..."I worked for a non-profit once. Unfortunately, it wasn't supposed to be and I had to get a new job...