Maybe too late but...
Hi there,
We hiked up Edmands path last Saturday (Feb. 23). There was a little hard crust on the trail and I believe it has not been hiked since a few days, but the bottom was hard. The snowshoes were needed, but we were not going to deep either. We were only 2 and had no problem for most of the run.
Than, getting near the junction with Crawford Path, things went worst. Powder snow was covering the trail, were the trail turns around Eisenhower to the junction. It was hard to progress, because of the slope and the unconsolidated snow. We would have needed snowshoes with crampons on the side, because it was hard to not slip towards the ravine! And with straight crampons, we would have fall into snow up to the knees for sure. We finally turned around at about 1/4 of a mile from the junction. But, I have to admit that maybe we were a bit chicken... I was not impassable, just tricky. I would think that with MSR style snowshoes, things would have been better.
Hope this helps!