Ammonoosuc-mt Washington-Jewel loop, 03/4

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TRAIL CONDITIONS: Ammo was packed for the most part and easy going, little ice and all easily avoidable. Above treeline everywhere was wind packed, no post-holing, again easy and fast travel. Snowshoes came out of the pack only below tree line during the descent on Jewel. Microspikes stayed in the pack all trip although some slippery spots were encountered above tree line on Jewel. Jewel trail was easy to follow above tree line.

SPECIAL EQUIPMENT: snowshoes helpful, microspikes helpful but not necessary

Comments: Incredible - no wind on Mt Washington! The light snow was falling vertically and it was so quiet... Fantastic snow shapes from the previous night high winds. We had lunch right on the top with only light jackets for comfort. Must be 100 people on the summit, mostly guided groups, almost like summer. But a near complete solitude on the loop itself - just met 2 people during the entire day.