Ammonoosuc Ravine Trail Maintenance Trip (12 May 2012)

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Jan 28, 2010
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NH Seacoast
Date of Hike: 12 May 2012

Maintenance Trip: Cleared water bars on first mile of trail from USFS lot and then also on the 0.3 mile section of trail from Marshfield Station. Removed two medium-sized blowdowns from the main trail.

Trail Conditions: first mile of trail is in good shape although a few spots are muddy and wet where a bog bridge or two might help. Blazing needs freshening in spots especially near brook crossing where the one across the water has peeled and faded substantially. Take care here. Crossing was fine but had to step in two inches of running water to do it. Brushing is good in first mile.

Comments: Nice day for a few hours maintenance work; plan to finish up basic stuff on the rest of the trail in a few weeks. Felt good to be back at it again.