"An Inconvenient Truth"


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Jun 7, 2005
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New Hampshire
Tonight I went to see the movie "An Inconvenient Truth", a documentary about global warming and the effect it is having on our earth. The film was excellent and really opened my eyes to what lies ahead if we don't work together to make positive changes. Please go see the movie and log onto www.climatecrisis.net to learn more about global warming and what we can do to help.
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A good friend of mine from Easton, NH has been preaching this to anybody that would listen for YEARS. We are so behind on this one. :eek:
Do you think that hikers are more aware of the enviroment and do their fair share to help? The government needs to listen to the environmentalists before there'll be any big changes. And since we're leaders in the world, maybe other nations will follow, since this is a global problem.
maybe other nations will follow
SkiBones, that is exactly the problem. But this happens to be a very highly politically charged issue and this site has a rule against political discussions. Best end this thread now. :(

Edit - i also happen to agree w/ Bobby kennedy's view expressed in his book - that the media is also to blame as they dont like to give big coverage to the environment because it's not "sexy" enough...
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I saw this as well and thought it was great (I never imagined I would say that about a movie with Al Gore talking about global warming :p ).
That's the problem with issues such as this, it always gets away from the real issues at hand, and turns into a political debate. We can choose to look at this in a positive way focusing on awareness, education and by being proactive in spreading the word on global warming. It only takes one voice.
kmac said:
That's the problem with issues such as this, it always gets away from the real issues at hand, and turns into a political debate.
The Politicians make it political. When Tom Sawyer wanted Ben to paint the fence, he didn't blame Ben for the work that had to be done, he made the work something Ben wanted to do. The sceptic in me believes that Gore is using this issue to score points, that if he really wanted to get something done he would drop the Global Warming debate and blame game and frame his concerns in terms of our dependence on fossil fuels. Then he could call it a National Security issue and get the Republicans to do the work for him.*

*please read my "signature" before you flame my response. ;)
heard about this movie...havent seen it yet...will try eventaully. There are many many troves of information regarding this topic.

Problem I find is that they are all THEORIES..nothing is proved. At this point we still aren't sure if these changes to the environment aren't cyclical...we (humans) are soo new to earth we can't possibly know for sure what's causing the rise in earths temps.

Before anyone goes off on me....I agree that we are GREATLY contributing to the rise in earths temps...however I dont really agree the we "created" the problem....the planet goes through warming and cooling cycles...we're just in one now....

thihs topic is VERY politically slanted for many reasons...when I try ti discuss it I try to do it without the political bent...I hope we can all keep it on the "right track" and avoid the thread being locked...

Happy discussions...


skibones said:
Do you think that hikers are more aware of the enviroment and do their fair share to help? .

I my very small corner of the world I have noticed that there are alot of hikers who are environmental activist, however, I have heard comments on some hiking boards that shocked me. So not all hikers are environmenalist that fit my description (personal bias)...On the other hand Everyone I have met in the birding community are without exception.
There is a compelling article written by National Geographic magazine showing hard evidence that humans are having an effect on the enviroment. It would certainly be naive of us to think that we haven't had some effect on the enviroment and it's current state.. but we have choices and that's what this film is about, choices and change.
It's funny when I was watching the film I didn't look at Al Gore as a politician in it for political or personal gain, I looked at him as a human being with the the fortitude to speak up and be heard.
I believe he truly believes he can make a difference with just one voice.
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The EPA website has good info along with links to other websites.

As I see it, people can debate until they are blue in the face about what is causing global warming and exactly how much impact we have, but it seems that the scientific community is more or less in agreement that global warming IS occurring. And either way, it can't hurt to actually work to reduce emissions and be more environmentally conscious. This isn't directed at anybody on this thread, but I feel like some people throw out excuses or beliefs to why it is not occurring just so they don't have the burden of responsibility to help make a change.
another inconvenient truth.....

Another fact that is swept under the rug is that the US population has increased from app. 200 million in 1970 to 300 million in 2006. Compare these figures with other population figures around the world, then factor in energy usage and the amount of the planets surface that has been negatively impacted by human activity........

but no, human activity couldn't possibly be affecting the planets climate, could it? :rolleyes: :eek:
pudgy_groundhog said:
The EPA website has good info along with links to other websites.

As I see it, people can debate until they are blue in the face about what is causing global warming and exactly how much impact we have, but it seems that the scientific community is more or less in agreement that global warming IS occurring. And either way, it can't hurt to actually work to reduce emissions and be more environmentally conscious. This isn't directed at anybody on this thread, but I feel like some people throw out excuses or beliefs to why it is not occurring just so they don't have the burden of responsibility to help make a change.
That's part of the problem, we skirt the issue. It's so much easier to ignore a problem in hopes that it will go away, but unfortunately this problem is here to stay and by the looks of it only going to get worse if we don't ban together and make changes.
thanks kmac! I do have to see it - though I will put as much stock in it as the micheal moore movies - which are some of the worst I have seen.

we got something to do it with for sure. I think most people in/out of the hiking community don't care - to be blunt. I think the best evidence I have seen is the slew of gore, kerry, etc.. political stickers on the backs of ford expeditions, lexus and BMW suv's, etc.. nothing like a good 8 cyclinder engine in metro boston to keep the fumes down :eek: :eek: :D :D

but i do agree with most of whats being said here - once someone finds a way to make $$ out of it - then things will change - until then - well - we'll find a way to adapt I guess.

I kind of like warm winters :p :p :eek: :D
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kmac said:
It's funny when I was watching the film I didn't look at Al Gore as a politician in it for political or personal gain, I looked at him as a human being with the the fortitude to speak up and be heard.
I believe he truly believes he can make a difference with just one voice.

I would tend to agree with you..... He is not a "johnny come lately" or opportunist on this issue. Normally I am leery of politicians from any party but years ago I read a book by him entitled "Earth In the Balance".

"Earth In the Balance" is well written and I highly recommend it for those interested in the subject.
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giggy said:
thanks kmac! I do have to see it - though I will put as much stock in it as the micheal moore movies - which are some of the worst I have seen.

we got something to do it with for sure. I think most people in/out of the hiking community don't care - to be blunt. I think the best evidence I have seen is the slew of gore, kerry, etc.. political stickers on the backs of ford expeditions, lexus and BMW suv's, etc.. nothing like a good 8 cyclinder engine in metro boston to keep the fumes down :eek: :eek: :D :D

but i do agree with most of whats being said here - once someone finds a way to make $$ out of it - then things will change - until then - well - we'll find a way to adapt I guess.

I kind of like warm winters :p :p :eek: :D
Yes, sadly you are probably right about the money issue, what a shame.
As for the movie, see it first, I think you will find it stands on its own.
Giggy, I would like to think that we are a world of people who really care about our earth and the future of it. Yes, there are some that are always going to have the "me" first, "you" later attitude, and those people will find it very hard to change, because of their narrow vision and self absorption. And that's okay, challenges are a good thing :)
You people don't get it. Kerry's whole point in the last campaign was we have to give business incentive to create cleaner machines instead of the current adm's tax breaks for Hummers (it's true) and rejection of CAFE stds. Does anyone in their right (pun intended) mind believe a group of wealthy oil men would EVER promote an environmentally friendly energy policy...? Oh wait, that's right Cheney successfully sued his own gvt to seal the records on what really went down. No, it's not a political issue - LOL!
The science is all rock solid that man is producing huge volumes of materials that cause global warming. Carbon dioxide, chloro-fluorocarbons are the biggest offenders. The spin machine in control of much of our mass media finds all of this very inconvienient to the party line. Hence, I have heard hundreds of people who don't know squat about chemistry in solution let alone photochemistry say things like "I haven't heard any compelling scientific evidence that man is to blame."

I really "like" my 18 mpg Explorer, but I "need" it like Custer needed Indians. If the SUV was not available, I would have a vegetable oil diesel or something else. Other than clothing, shelter, oxygen, water, and 2500 calories of a well balanced diet, "need" is whatever I damn well "want" when the time is convenient. I've got a funny feeling most people have a somewhat similar bent.
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