"An Inconvenient Truth"


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Actually I think we do get it, it's just that we have to keep this thread civilized and under control and "skirt" the political side of it.
skibones said:
The government needs to listen to the environmentalists before there'll be any big changes. And since we're leaders in the world, maybe other nations will follow, since this is a global problem.

yes, the gov neads to listen to environmentalists, or even just scientists!

but.... when it comes to environmental issues, we are not leaders in the world, we're the one of the worst offenders. we don't pollute as much as china, which is partially why they can manufacture so cheaply, but we do put more crap in the air and use up waayyy more energy than most other countries.

we need to follow other countries' examples.

we, as in all of us here, need to all ride bikes more, be less disposable, recycle and try to show our family,friends and co-workers through our own actions the best way to live and ensure a good planet for our grandchildern's grandchildern. i certainly oversimplified that, :) but i believe this is far more effective than huge protests and books and movies and blame and politics etc.
Just doing the right thing and showing others it isn't that hard can profoundly influence people in a personal and long lasting way.
example: i've got many people here at my f/t job using mugs rather than disposable paper cups for coffee and water. maybe they'll do it at home too. and show their kids the way. its small, but its one of many little things and its tipping things in a more positive direction.
Starchild i respect your opinion/actions, but respectfully disagree. it's all about machine emissions. and the only effective way to deal with it is to legislate demand for efficient engines. not getting the gvt involved would be like having no hunting/fishing regulations on the theory hunters/fisherman will eventually recognize they need to preserve their prey. Ain't gonna happen til the last buffalo is gone... :-(
kmac has created a monster :eek: - good thread though, gets people talking.

I would like more effort on a personal level. It seems we can't even keep the damn trash of the highways and streets. How about in boston - people seem to think leaving newspapers on the T isn't littering :confused: :confused: :confused:

I think the majority of the people in the US and the EU countries I have vistited could care less to be honest. This is a outdoor website - so we all care. My non-hiking freinds could really give 2 craps about enviro issues. Whatever is most convienant works for them :eek:
Here's an idea.....

I'm waiting for a NYC mayor with both vision and cojones to mandate wind turbines on top of all our skyscrapers and bridges, also to ban internal combustion engines that burn oil within Manhattan and other areas of NYC. It could be done using NYC's current transit system but needs a strong person of vision to push it through.

If this were made law in NYC it would make the air cleaner from NYC to Newfoundland. Then imagine if Boston, Providence, Hartford, Newark, Washington, D.C., etc. were also inspired...... there would be better views from the tops of our mountains in a few years, wouldn't there? We have the tech to do this right now..... we just need the will and vision to push it through!
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