Any intel on Isolation?

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New member
Dec 4, 2012
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Hi all,

With windy and cold summits predicted for the higher summits I was contemplating Isolation. Had anyone heard anything as of late? Water crossings, conditions, etc.

Any assistance would be much appreciated.


Z :D
I haven't seen anything posted for Isolation in quite a while, but I do know that there is a strong group of Grid hikers heading out there tomorrow so if you go you won't be alone.

Thanks Ed. I appreciate your response.

I just received an E-mail telling me that the Rocky Branch and Isolation to Davis Path is not broken out, however, the E-mail came from one of the Grid folks and the Grid group is heading out there tomorrow.

Thank you again, Ed. I appreciate having an idea of what the day will entail. :)

Chiming in late, just wondering how it went? I was up there on Easter for my first trip ever to Isolation. Did the bushwhack, followed the only prints across the water and straight up the hill. (again never been here before and only heard of bushwhacks and figured that it would continue onto a trail) it took us up over a cliff, then into a col and onto the summit where there were orange strips tied to trees. We looked at the map and stupidly figured we must have summited, celebrated and took photos. After looking online that night and seeing that the summit was above treeline I knew that we didn't summit!! It was a super long hike and it would have been #42. But it wasn't Isolation, must have been the peak with no name just north of it. So I hope that you made it and left me some good footprints!! Back to #41 for me!
Interesting story. I have a friend who did a winter whack short cut straight up from the river to the summit but I've not heard much of it having been done recently. You didn't mention crossing over the Davis Path which you would have to have done in order to reach Isolation. On the other hand, if you crossed it south of the summit spur, depending on conditions, you might not have realized you had crossed it. I'm wondering if you might have ended up on Mt. Davis.
Did the bushwhack, followed the only prints across the water and straight up the hill. (again never been here before and only heard of bushwhacks and figured that it would continue onto a trail) it took us up over a cliff, then into a col and onto the summit where there were orange strips tied to trees.
There were several people a couple years back after a major snowstorm who linked up and reached a bump but being familiar with the true summit knew it was wrong and guessed it was Davis, but somebody repeated the trip the next weekend and it was actually the unnamed SE bump of Isolation. I would think that with GPS such errors would become less common.

I have a friend who did a winter whack short cut straight up from the river to the summit but I've not heard much of it having been done recently.
Bushwhacks were more common in days of yore when the trail wasn't broken and the shorter route was an advantage, I've bushwhacked multiple times both to the col N and the col S but only down direct from the summit.