Anyone have 02/21/ off & looking to hike in NH

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Mike P.

Well-known member
Sep 19, 2003
Reaction score
Colchester, CT
I'm heading up Sunday afternoon to Hiker's Paradise with a planned hike of South & Middle Carter. (Wildcat's an option also, if less than mediorce weather would consider Waumbek or Cabot, actually weather might need to be worse than that as Middle only has a few small areas of exposure)

If solo would park at 19 mile & then bushwhack off the South Imp either at Cowboy Brook or a little further north where they should be an old logging road (or similar, Farmer Bob & I found it 11/2002) that brings you into the back of Camp Dodge then walk the little bit of 16 back to trailhead. With another car, I'd take the more scenic North Imp section in order to get the more scenic view near the end.

Wildcat would be up 19 mile, across the slide up A over to D & descend PoleCat (my first sled descent, maybe)

I've got about 14 winter solos so I'm fine with or without company although Imp Face is a better option than the south end of the loop
With Monday night looking like a bad time to drive back to CT, I may pick a shorter hike, either Waumbek, Cannon or if not windy, even Monroe

I'll probably decide Monday AM