Anyone up for Blackhead Range in October?

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Sep 2, 2004
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Ulster County, NY Avatar: Chapel Pond From Giant M
I'd like to bag the three Blackhead Range peaks in October sometime. I'm thinking about camping at North/South Lake Columbus Day weekend, in which case I would probably do this hike on Saturday the 9th. I may have some family visiting around that time, but with them I would do something easier, some of the southern Escarpment, or perhaps Windham. I would probably do this the day after the long hike.

Ideally, with two cars, I'd want to spot one on Big Hollow Road, and then drive back and start from Barnum Rd. Then hike over all three peaks to the Escarpment, then to the Batavia Kill and then back to the car at Big Hollow Rd. PA

Depending on how the three peaks are, I might be into going on to Acra Point, Burnt Nob, possibly even Windham. My priority would be the Blackheads, and the more northern parts of the escarpment would be tentative. I like to start fairly early in the AM, move fairly quick on the trail, and linger a bit at lookouts and other points of interest. Again, the date and exact circumstances are not solid at this point. Any of this sound appealing to anyone?

Also, has anyone ever done the loop from Barnum Rd., over the Blackheads, up the Escarpment to Windham, back down to Peck Rd. and roadwalk back to the Barnum PA? Did you do it as a dayhike? If so, what's the mileage and time like?
In August I did the loop you described except that at Batavia Kill instead of going to Peck Road I looped back up and over the Blackhead Range trail back to Barnum Road.

I don't keep much on the way of stats- but I think it was in the order of 12 miles in 8 hours plus or so (or I could be totally off :) )- I am not a fast hiker. In other words if I can do it I am sure you can to. It was an effort for me and was humid that day, and extending up the Escarpment wouldn't work for me.

But if you are in better shape than I you'll be OK.

I've done from N/S Lake to Batavia Kill and once did the escarpment trail as a leisurely backpack, camping out off the trail one night on a weekend.

Rather than use/need two cars, consider locking a bike either at Barnum or on Peck road and simply bike back to your car. It's not bad and traffic is negligible, although it will be one uphill climb from either Peck or Big Hollow to get to Barnum Rd.

Or you might want to consider biking first and then picking up the bike if you don't like biking at night.

I'm not big into keeping miles and stuff, but you should be able to do the entire path from N/S to Windham in a day, in fact, next year, I may be running the Escarpment Trail dayhike for charity. If you started at Big Hollow, it might be a longer day, re: Thomas Cole, Blackhead (or is that Black dome? I always mix them up). but still doable.

For easier hikes, most of the hikes south of North Point are popular with the campers, lots of viewpoints, Artist Rock, the Catskill Mountain House... etc. etc.
