ascent of phantom Susie Peak VT

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Sep 4, 2003
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So off I went to climb Susie Peak in VT in spite of the fact that my VT friend Susie declined to come along

There were plenty of Keep Out signs on the obvious approach from the E so I continued around to the S where I saw a couple in a pickup driving up a gated woods road. I asked them about climbing Susie Peak and they said Susie Peak was off to the the S somewhere, the peak N of us was East Mtn and it was too steep to climb it from there but there was a trail starting further W, so I drove off that way but couldn't find it. Fortunately my lost look attracted the attention of the town constable who led me to the base of the trail which looked like a private driveway with keep out signs to me. The constable said it was a town road all the way to the summit and named the two abutting landowners whom he said didn't mind hikers, and I drove up hoping that if the owners disagreed maybe they wouldn't find anybody who would arrest me.

After about a mile there was a log yard with open gate and the road was too rough beyond, I was trying to figure if the road was wide enough to park on when a guy drove out of the log yard and said I could park there, and also gave me a description of the route up. I had come up from Rte.140 and after walking about half a mile I reached a better road which perhaps could be driven from Rte.133 but maybe there are gates or Keep Out signs that way. From here an ATV trail runs E to the ridge then follows it N to the summit. There are SE and E view ledges. Actually there is a maze of ATV trails and I took a slightly different way down.

Back home, I decided to find out where "Susie Peak" was and typed it into getting a result of nowhere in VT. Then I tried the US Board of Geographic Names database with exactly the same result. They both think the peak I just climbed was Edmunds Peak. So why didn't they tell the guy (or maybe girl :) who writes names on USGS maps?
Roy, thanks for the trip report. What on earth inspired you to hike such an obscure peak?
Roy, you're not getting eccentric on us, are you?

My mom has a friend named Susan, maybe the hill was named after her...

-Dr. Wu
Maybe it's another peak list - mountains with femail names: Ellen, Jo-Mary, Olga, Molly Stark... and Susie...
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audrey said:
Names like Tinmouth and Blossoms Corners sent me to the DeLorme Atlas to figure out where on earth is Roy, and it's Edmunds Peak according to that book.
My 1st edition VT DeLorme (made from county maps) shows it with no name, as does 15' quad

It was the most prominent peak in VT I hadn't previously climbed, I was waiting for Susie :)

And it is on NE 1000 list, but no register due to trail
Nate said:
What on earth inspired you to hike such an obscure peak?
Probably because he has climbed all the non-obscure ones more often than he really wants to :)

Those who pat themselves energetically on the back after doing the NH 48 should perhaps be aware that there are a hell of a lot of other peaks in the area!
RoySwkr said:
It was the most prominent peak in VT I hadn't previously climbed, I was waiting for Susie :)

Well, with that done, now what's the most prominent peak you haven't yet hiked in Vermont? And where does Susie rank on the Vermont prominence list?