Cannon and Osceolas - Jan 14-15 2025

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Ear Drum

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Feb 21, 2023
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South Glastonbury CT
Two fun days of hiking, chipping away at my winter list, bagging #33-34-35. Enjoying the beauty and power of nature, and contemplating my strengths and weaknesses. On these sorts of hikes, especially as they get harder, I find myself wondering if I'll make it as I get through the first third or so of the way up; then eventually letting that go and feeling that, yes, I can do it; and finally when near and on the top, a wonderful sense of moving competently in difficult terrain, harsh weather, and remote, wild places.

I filed NETC reports each day. Both hikes featured cold temps (20s then 10sF), a bit of wind, and no significant issues. Saw one person each day: on Cannon, a retiree from CT who moved up a while ago, and now helps to maintain trails. On the Osceolas, as I descended the steep sections, a local who lives in CO half of the year.

The last time I attempted Cannon in Winter, in January of 2019, we didn't make it. My parter and I had a very leisurely start that day, shopping for pants at Ragged, getting a coffee in Conway, then coming all the way across the Kanc to the trail for a late start, with an elderly dog moving slow. We turned around at the lookout point above the site of the Old Man. This time, I woke up at home in CT, drove up, and got to work. KRT is good for a calves workout, going up right away. The only somewhat difficult part was a little bit of route finding above the col at 3800', where it was all drifted over. Very windy on the summit platform.

The last time I did the Osceolas was with my daughter in Fall a couple years ago, in mist and rain. We had no views that day from the summit, and I'd forgotten my rain pants - I ducked behind a boulder at the summit clearing to add my long underwear to keep myself warm. We went up and down the Chimney that day, and the East Peak was muddy. This time, I went in from Greely Ponds, thankful for my snowshoes' televators on the steep climb, and had good views from the summit and along the way. Took the Bypass to the Bypass around the Chimney - it has a number of low-hanging branches, and one snagged my z-fold sleeping pad, which I carry in case of injury or emergency. Noticed it missing a while later, and easily found it on the descent. I dropped my pack about a quarter mile or so from Osceola summit, so nice to have a break from the weight, carrying just my phone and Garmin. Had to use a headlamp for the final hour at the end.

The one hiker I met, the CO-NH guy, was going up as I went down. He turned around at a view point and caught me at the Greely Ponds junction sign a mile and a half from the lot. We chatted, he took off as I got out my headlamp. Then I followed him, naturally, going after his light. After about 15-20 minutes however, I realized I wasn't on the right trail, the slope angles were all wrong, the undulations were different, we never crossed the frozen streams. Yes, I was on the wrong trail, while cold, hungry, tired and in the darkness of night. Looking at my phone's map now, I saw I'd failed to take the correct trail at the junction, and that a bushwhack would be at least 1000 feet, and backtracking would add a lot. So I pressed on along the ski trail, all the way to the Kanc. When you come out, it's about 1/4 mile roadwalk back to the other TH and parking lot. Consolation prize: an amazing night sky, so many stars, not a cloud in the sky. Saw a fleeting but bright meteor. Thankfully only 2-3 cars passed me, as the road has narrow shoulders.

The evening concluded with fine brews and burgers at Woodstock Station, then a hot shower at the Notch Hostel, and falling asleep immediately afterwards. A great trip as always, with many good conversations at the Hostel and elsewhere. The only disappointment was that yet again the Mountain Wanderer Bookstore was closed - I have yet to visit, never finding it open. Maybe next time. My kids got me Ty Gagne's new book from there for Christmas - Steve Smith is always so prompt and meticulous in his shipping.

Cannon photos (first 6) / Osceolas photos (last 4):


  • looking up Cannon jan 14 2025.jpg
    looking up Cannon jan 14 2025.jpg
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  • platform ahead - Cannon jan 14 2025.jpg
    platform ahead - Cannon jan 14 2025.jpg
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  • snow in trees 2 - Cannon jan 14 2025.jpg
    snow in trees 2 - Cannon jan 14 2025.jpg
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  • snow 3 - Cannon jan 14 2025.jpg
    snow 3 - Cannon jan 14 2025.jpg
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  • viewpoint looking at Franconia - Cannon jan 14 2025.jpg
    viewpoint looking at Franconia - Cannon jan 14 2025.jpg
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  • towards Kinsmans - Cannon jan 14.jpg
    towards Kinsmans - Cannon jan 14.jpg
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  • 10 carved path  - Osceolas jan 15 2025.jpg
    10 carved path - Osceolas jan 15 2025.jpg
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  • 16 view of East - Osceolas jan 15 2025.jpg
    16 view of East - Osceolas jan 15 2025.jpg
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  • 17 dropped pad - Osceolas jan 15 2025.jpg
    17 dropped pad - Osceolas jan 15 2025.jpg
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  • 19 Greely Pond - Osceolas jan 15 2025.jpg
    19 Greely Pond - Osceolas jan 15 2025.jpg
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