New member
date: 3/29/13
trails: windsor trail
conditions: nice parking off of 44a. the trail is almost completely clear of snow/ice until gerrys falls where it becomes pretty continuous to the summit. some slushy ice and rotten snow initially then wet snow with some bare sections through the hardwoods up to the spring. the track is narrow and well packed, but rough beyond with feet of snow remaining in the woods up to the summit. some ice becoming exposed up high. the couple of brook crossings were still partially frozen and running low.
equipment: i barebooted to around the falls then wore microspikes the rest of the way. i carried snowshoes, but did not use them. could have worn them up high and if the snow softens more they could be helpful.
comments: a great first hike up ascutney. the views from the observation tower and from brownville were great though limited by cloud to the west and north. great looks east and south though. nice to be able to get 4k type elevation gain on a 3100 foot peak.
[email protected]
trails: windsor trail
conditions: nice parking off of 44a. the trail is almost completely clear of snow/ice until gerrys falls where it becomes pretty continuous to the summit. some slushy ice and rotten snow initially then wet snow with some bare sections through the hardwoods up to the spring. the track is narrow and well packed, but rough beyond with feet of snow remaining in the woods up to the summit. some ice becoming exposed up high. the couple of brook crossings were still partially frozen and running low.
equipment: i barebooted to around the falls then wore microspikes the rest of the way. i carried snowshoes, but did not use them. could have worn them up high and if the snow softens more they could be helpful.
comments: a great first hike up ascutney. the views from the observation tower and from brownville were great though limited by cloud to the west and north. great looks east and south though. nice to be able to get 4k type elevation gain on a 3100 foot peak.
[email protected]