Asquam Ridge Trail

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Well-known member
Jun 4, 2005
Reaction score
Plymouth, NH
Is this route up Moosilauke (including upper sections of Beaver Brook) especially hard to follow in the winter? I'm thinking of a loop using this and Gorge brook sometime soon.

I understand it is probably lightly used in the winter (relative to Glencliff or Gorge Brook), maybe thats what is making the route look attractive to me. :) Easier to follow ascending or descending?

Has anyone been up either of these trails recently and would like to share some conditions info? Thanks.
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Along the ridge, below the junction with the Beaver Brook trail there are sections that can be hard to follow. It's not broken out very often so you'll be working fairly hard up there. If given the choice, I'd go up Asquam Ridge so you can be sure of finding your way back down in case of losing the trail. Otherwise you might have to climb back up at the end of the day to get out.
Asquam Ridge is my favorite winter route on Moosilauke. I've done the counter-clockwise Asquam-Carriage-Snapper & Asquam-Gorge routes several times and have never had problems with route finding on the Asquam. It is a lovely trail.

Always wanted to do the Benton in winter but moved away before that happened.

Have fun. :)

skied down once

We back-country skied down Asquam Ridge about 10 years ago in December, which was not too bad until darkness overtook us. We skied up Gorge Brook and were supposed to ski down the Carriage Road, but plans changed for some reason that I cannot remember.
I went up AR last winter, no trouble finding as the lower part is cleared wide as part of a ski route and the section up to BB is scrub with obvious tunnel.

Of course this being a longer route it gets less traffic except once you hit BB.
Thanks for the replies, such credible sources!! ;)
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