Witness trees
Each corridor monitor receives a surveyors' map set consisting of the ~1:7,500 map(s) showing the boundaries of lands purchased for the AT corridor with compass headings, line lengths, and serial numbered monument locations. Purchase/acquisition dates and information for each parcel is shown as well as deed information.
A second set of sheets (external boundary monument sheet) has each numbered monument shown, with distance and direction to three witness points (usually trees) stating the species and DBH of each tree. We usually take two 100 foot tapes, one from each witness tree and cross them at the distances indicated, and viola right underneath will be the three inch aluminum marker. In locations where forest duff builds up quickly, the monuments can be buried as deep as a foot below the surface.
Monuments are generally placed every 500 feet, or at line direction changes. I have seen monuments located as close as twenty feet apart in parcels with very irregular boundaries.
Most of the time the monuments lie undisturbed for many years. On occasion monuments near trails or roadsides have been disturbed or removed for souvenirs despite the embossed warning not to.
At one time the AT Corridor Maintenance Crew from Boiling Springs, PA had a
"Boundary Dog" belonging to one of the crew that could smell the aluminum "oxidized" monuments and would uncover them for the team.
At present there are five of the nineteen sections of the AT Corridor running from Woodstock, VT to the WMNF boundary on Ore Hill in Warren, NH that are without corridor monitors. Once Spring gets closer I will be trying to recruit people to fill those positions. Training, of course will be provided at the time. training will be conducted by a team from the ATC office in Boiling Springs, and will likely be on one or more of the vacant sections.
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