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Mansfield 6/9/2007
Attention Dave Metsky! Larry Cohen says “Hi.” When I showed him your picture on VFTT, he said he’d recognize Chicken Boy anywhere.
On with the trip report: It is said that if you don’t like the weather in New England, wait 5 minutes, for it will change. That may be true, but it is also true that if you don’t like the weather where you are, you can go somewhere else! My ex, Larry, wanted to hike this weekend, but when we saw the wet forecast for New Hampshire due to a stalled storm system, he made the excellent suggestion of traveling west into VT since the storm was traveling east and parking itself in NH. Good decision! So we left a rainy NH and made our way to the sunny skies in the Green Mountain state. After a wonderful breakfast in Montpelier, we drove on through Stowe to the Long Trail south trailhead and headed UP to Mansfield’s Chin. What a great workout in slightly over 2 miles! The trail was in good shape, the temps were great, and very few bugs were out. Climbing up through the chin’s cleft was both challenging and fun! We were a little concerned that Mansfield’s Chin was sporting a cloudy beard, or at least a goatee, but Mother Nature was very kind to us as we neared the top and blew away enough of the clouds to offer some good views as we crossed the ridge toward the Nose. Rockhopping along the ridge between the Chin and the Nose was a blast! What a great trail! Larry wanted to climb the Nose, but we were told by a woman at the building at the base of it (top of the toll road) that we weren’t allowed to, something about the towers on it. We headed down the toll road, then took a ski trail called the Nose Dive to the wetter Haselton trail, to the base lodge, and walked the 1/2 mile up the road back to where we parked the car. As we drove back to NH, the clouds grew darker and seemed to really define the state line. Shortly after arriving home, it began raining again. But at that point the only thing on our minds was how good the paella was going to taste! Dinner after a hike is the best, no matter what the weather! Thank you VT for providing a sunny disposition for today’s hike!
Attention Dave Metsky! Larry Cohen says “Hi.” When I showed him your picture on VFTT, he said he’d recognize Chicken Boy anywhere.
On with the trip report: It is said that if you don’t like the weather in New England, wait 5 minutes, for it will change. That may be true, but it is also true that if you don’t like the weather where you are, you can go somewhere else! My ex, Larry, wanted to hike this weekend, but when we saw the wet forecast for New Hampshire due to a stalled storm system, he made the excellent suggestion of traveling west into VT since the storm was traveling east and parking itself in NH. Good decision! So we left a rainy NH and made our way to the sunny skies in the Green Mountain state. After a wonderful breakfast in Montpelier, we drove on through Stowe to the Long Trail south trailhead and headed UP to Mansfield’s Chin. What a great workout in slightly over 2 miles! The trail was in good shape, the temps were great, and very few bugs were out. Climbing up through the chin’s cleft was both challenging and fun! We were a little concerned that Mansfield’s Chin was sporting a cloudy beard, or at least a goatee, but Mother Nature was very kind to us as we neared the top and blew away enough of the clouds to offer some good views as we crossed the ridge toward the Nose. Rockhopping along the ridge between the Chin and the Nose was a blast! What a great trail! Larry wanted to climb the Nose, but we were told by a woman at the building at the base of it (top of the toll road) that we weren’t allowed to, something about the towers on it. We headed down the toll road, then took a ski trail called the Nose Dive to the wetter Haselton trail, to the base lodge, and walked the 1/2 mile up the road back to where we parked the car. As we drove back to NH, the clouds grew darker and seemed to really define the state line. Shortly after arriving home, it began raining again. But at that point the only thing on our minds was how good the paella was going to taste! Dinner after a hike is the best, no matter what the weather! Thank you VT for providing a sunny disposition for today’s hike!