Austin Bk, Mahoosuc/AT, Dryad Falls Loop - 11.09.12

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Sep 5, 2003
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A bit late in getting this out but mainly wanted to caution folks who might be venturing out in the Southern Mahoosucs this winter that there are many trees down on the Mahoosuc Trail/AT between Gentian Pond and Dream Lake.

Three of us did this lollipop hike on Friday, November 9: Up Austin Brook Trail to Gentian Pond, then the Mahoosuc Trail/AT to Dream Lake, down Dryad Falls Trail and, again, finishing up with the Austin Brook Trail. We finally, begrudgingly, switched over from trail runners to more substantial footwear and barebooted in a few inches of fresh snow all day. Microspikes were carried but not needed/used.

After a leisurely lunch break in the warm sun at Gentian Pond Shelter, we continued south (although more like west here) on the Mahoosuc Trail/AT, whereupon we found ourselves whacking around numerous and complicated downed trees which appeared as though they would make the trail quite difficult to follow in winter sans GPS.

Dream Lake is starting to freeze over in earnest and was *gorgeous,* affording a most excellent and unique view of Mts. Washington and Adams. (Madison was a bit overshadowed by Adams so was not quite as evident but "there" if one looked for it.)

Dryad Falls were impressive in their height, but we will have to return during snowmelt to appreciate the full effect. :)

Not surprisingly, we saw no one else out on the trails this fine day.