Avalanche Lake/Sewards Gate?


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Although Avalanche Lake is surely ice-covered by now, I personally don't trust the ice until late January.

I'll be up by Coreys Road this weekend and will drive down to the bridge and see if the gate is still open. Even if it is, the road beyond the bridge is not maintained, and is seasonal. Proceed at your own risk and know that any roadside service you may have does not cover situations on seasonal roads. Don't get stuck back there! :eek:
The Gate

Hey Bob thanks. I've been down the road by car once in winter and what a joy that was as you know the Sewards in winter can be a big day. Is it true they changed the parking area and it's now an even longer approach?
I saw your 46er number and mine is real close to yours, 5344w. Cool number aye? The last of its kind. If you do drive down there that would be great! Happy Trails to you. Reekee
Is it true they changed the parking area and it's now an even longer approach? I saw your 46er number and mine is real close to yours, 5344w.
Last winter, the official parking lot was moved to a point 4.4 miles from the summer parking area. Parking at the snow plow turn around (1.1 miles closer) is now forbidden by signs.

BTW, I'm 5444W ! :D
Last winter, the official parking lot was moved to a point 4.4 miles from the summer parking area. Parking at the snow plow turn around (1.1 miles closer) is now forbidden by signs.
BTW, I'm 5444W ! :D

So far, I have yet to find the designated winter parking area. Last January, we drove to the summer TH, then the drivers went back to leave their cars at the lot just before the gate. I'm quite envious of your "W", but I'm working on it...;)
In the money industry they say:
Past results are not a guarantee of future performance.

But, lakes are usually ready to walk upon between Xmas and New Years. I haven't broken through yet.

Your mileage may vary. :)

(I weigh 78 pounds and my feet are size 19)
Thanks everyone

I alway thought the Sewards should be a little harder in winter.:D I must confess though, when I drove the road one winter I giggled all the way to the trailhead and then cheered all the way back to the gate! Happy Trails to you. Till we meet again.
So, Bob. What did you find on Coreys Road? I was thinking of heading in there real soon.

(I sure hope he isn't stuck in there somewhere, again) :D
Yeah baby!

:D The gate is open, and the road is plowed beyond that point, probably all the way back to the summer TH and beyond - I didn't drive past the gate. The parking lot just over the bridge and before the gate is not plowed, but there is room for a couple cars in there, as of Monday.


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Today, Coreys road was a skating rink covered with 4 inches of new snow. You might get down it in one piece but good luck getting out.
If the road isn’t perfect, I recommend that hikers park either at the designated parking area on the maintained road immediately before the marked "snow plow turnaround", or try the unplowed Stony Ponds horse assembly parking lot across the bridge and just before the gate. Drive past the gate at your own risk!

As part of my community service this week with Kid Rock, I photographed the main aspects of parking on Coreys Road. Read the captions below the images for a description. :cool:

December 18.
We drove (in a 4 wheel drive Jeep) to the first hill (about .7 mi past the gate) and tentatively started inching down it. As soon as we were on the slope the vehicle turned into a sled and began sliding into the ditch. By a combination of activating and releasing the brakes (not exactly pumping) Nancy maintained steerage while we picked up speed but that first hill is short and we were able to come to a stop, turn around, then take a good run at it and make it back up.

That first hill is the smallest of the 3 principal hills. We left the car in a pullout near the top of that first hill thereby saving a total of 1½ miles of RT walking and walked to the summer TH in 50 minutes. Wearing microspikes or stabilicers for the road walk was a big help.

Unless someone plows the snow and puts down plenty of sand I can't see getting up and down those hills safely unless you have chains on your tires. The entire road has an inch or ice that is perfect for skating on.

The rest of our trip can be read here.
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