Trail Conditions: In general trails with northern exposure were packed and crusty, trails with southern exposure were softer with more melt and some snow begining to rot. Avalon trail to Field, was mostly well packed and crusty with only a few patches of softer snow and occasional post-holing by people w/o snowshoes. Field to Willey was much softer with rotting snow and loosening spruce traps (I got my leg and snowshoe stuck in one, large gaps were visible where others had fallen in), multiple post holes evident. Field to A-Z via Willey Range was firmer than from Field to Willey but beginning to soften. Tom cut off in good condition. Avalon from Tom cut off back to Crawford minimal soft spots, some melting on ledge walk could make for treacherous passage after a few more warm days.
Special Equipment Required: Traction required, microspikes were completely adequate. Snowshoes were helpful - small, thin hiker with microspikes did fine without them. Larger hiker with crampons left post holes. Poles helpful for additional traction and control.
Comments: Thanks to Whichway for help getting my leg and snowshoe out of a spruce trap! Congratulations to Sasquatch on finishing the Winter 48 in a year, we met up with him between Willey and Field.
Your name: PedXing
Your E-mail address: Please use PM to contact
Special Equipment Required: Traction required, microspikes were completely adequate. Snowshoes were helpful - small, thin hiker with microspikes did fine without them. Larger hiker with crampons left post holes. Poles helpful for additional traction and control.
Comments: Thanks to Whichway for help getting my leg and snowshoe out of a spruce trap! Congratulations to Sasquatch on finishing the Winter 48 in a year, we met up with him between Willey and Field.
Your name: PedXing
Your E-mail address: Please use PM to contact