"Backpacker" mag Gear Guide ad ?


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Mar 8, 2005
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Here and there Avatar: Ice Ice Bab
Anyone have handy the April 2009 Gear Guide issue of Backpacker just rec'd ? (I know REAL backpackers :rolleyes: stopped subscribing years ago, but...) Go to the Page 6 FalconGuides "Outfit your mind" ad. Can you tell me what's going on ? Is the guy in the ski parka wearing a climbing harness ? Does the woman with the kayak paddle in the bell-bottoms have a belay device 'binered to her fur parka ? Is the guy with the sunglasses wearing a headlamp ? Are those canvas shoulder straps on her external frame ? Is the "thinker" wearing :eek: COTTON long johns ?

Has anyone at FalconGuides Ad agency ever been off Madison Avenue or is this the best ad ever placed because I'm spending this much time thinking about it ?
I breezed right through that page, didn't even look at it until you pointed it out. Now that you've pointed it out....:confused:

Hahahahaha! I was thinking similar thoughts. I think the purpose of the ad was to show that a wide variety of topics are covered in those guides...but what do I know.

I'm sure that guy is wear polypro long johns.

I guess they're trying to be prepared for every situation!
no way. those are Hanes 100% cotton.

Well then...um...I'm sure he was just sitting there after a long day of hiking in Florida, reading about what he had done...and already changed out of his nice polypro long johns...Ok. I'm done defending him. That idiot, lol.
Well then...um...I'm sure he was just sitting there after a long day of hiking in Florida, reading about what he had done....

...on the ski slope there. :D

I could see if Falcon Guides did gear reviews and the point was the other two were all maxxed out with mis-matched gear they didn't know what to do with, but they are about trails and access...so...

Maybe the ad is good in that I now know what Falcon does.
I will assume it was done partially in parody of those that would spend money on purposless gear (either the paddle, the belay device or the bell bottoms are mismatched. But at the heart of it all, it is to get their name out there. Consider yourself "branded"! :p

Hiking Central Florida??? Gimme a break. :rolleyes:
I will assume it was done partially in parody of those that would spend money on purposless gear (either the paddle, the belay device or the bell bottoms are mismatched. But at the heart of it all, it is to get their name out there. Consider yourself "branded"! :p

Hiking Central Florida??? Gimme a break. :rolleyes:

Yes, this is like those annoying ads on TV you can't get out of you're head. You have no choice but to remember the product. Eventually you'll see one of the guides in a book store and actually consider buying it.
One thing to point out:

Despite sheer stupidity and idiocy of this add, it has done what marketers want to happen: Gotten you to look at and think about this ad and company. We may never buy a Falcon Guide again (I know I will, because most are well done, despite the possible ignorance of their marketing staff), but we are all now thinking about them quite a bit, and have probably considered our own Falcon Guides and the Falcon Guides we have seen in the past. and guess what, we will almost definitely take more notice of the next Falcon Guide we see!

For them, mission accomplished!
ADK88 said:
We may never buy a Falcon Guide again (I know I will, because most are well done, despite the possible ignorance of their marketing staff), but we are all now thinking about them quite a bit, and have probably considered our own Falcon Guides and the Falcon Guides we have seen in the past. and guess what, we will almost definitely take more notice of the next Falcon Guide we see!

You should be in Marketing, man ! You were able to mention Falcon Guides FOUR times in one sentence !

Dude, that kayak paddle will help you climb some serious off-widths! :D

I just hope her fur parka is load-bearing.

This ad certainly stands in sharp contrast to the typical outdoors "all the right gear doing all the right things in the most scenic spot without a hint of the dirt or sweat it would take to get there" ad.
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Well then...um...I'm sure he was just sitting there after a long day of hiking in Florida, reading about what he had done...and already changed out of his nice polypro long johns...Ok. I'm done defending him. That idiot, lol.

I doubt anyone in Florida wears long johns. In fact, I'll bet most of the Floridans have never even heard of them.
Someone seriously needs to scan this advertisement and post it here... please please? :p
It is almost certainly copyrighted... Permission probably required.

They ought to pay to have it posted here, never mind grant permission.

I must be a real backpacker 'cause I don't subscribe but I'm curious anyway ... any of the models carrying a cast iron frying pan?