BaHa Death March 4

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Jul 4, 2007
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Home: Fulton, NY: Wright W46 finish

This hike was all about SDG75(SETH). It was his 45th &46th peaks to finish his 46r on Haystack. This was posted for a few weeks and I was looking forward to going but a lot was going on which keep me from totally committing, work!!! Seth and Adam where to hike Bigslide on Friday and Basin & Haystack on Saturday. I figured I’d play the fence as a game but it ended up being true that work may not let me come due to getting out late. Well I got out early and figured I’d surprise them. So home to pack and on the road. After a few txts’ from Adam asking if I was coming I replied No and sent a picture like I was somewhere else, hehehehe. Well when I arrived at the campground they about lost there Jaw. SURPRISE!!!!!! I got’em. After some well needed food and few beers around the fire we called it a night for early am rise.
Morning came and breakfast at Stewarts we arrived at TH(Garden) around 6am and signed in and on trail 6:30am. We took the Phelps trail which in my mind is a great trail. Arrived at JBL for the first time for Seth and I. Very nice it was. Taking a lot of pictures along the way of everything. The weather was nice as it was not to warm and little humidity. When we got to Bushnell Falls Adam laid on a rock to cool off . Then onto slant rock where we took our break. What a landmark this is, hard to miss it. As with many place on these trails it’s just amazing when you reach these areas and say, I’, here, in the middle of the High Peaks where few venture too. Taking the Shorty Short Cut trail we are now headed to Basin. This is where the trail starts up. This day was very Erie. Not even a breeze or any sounds in the forest. One lone crow spoke out only. After reaching the intersection to Basin and Trail to Haystack we took one last break and finally summited in the Fog. Had a wonderful break with one other couple, Number 45 for Seth. The skies did open up a little for us. I carried a good size rock to the top from the intersection in hopes of clearing skies, it worked some. 
It was getting later in the day by now and we had a long way to go. Down the trail and 1.1 miles from the intersection to Haystack we go. We had run into few guys that we saw going to Slant Rock Lean-to. They where on there way down from Haystack. Adam chatted them up in his own style. The air was still not moving. Don’t think I have ever seen or heard it this quiet. This trail is bouldery until you reach little Haystack. Since the Fog was in pretty thick we only got glimpse of what was thought to be Haystack but ends up being just one of a few false peaks. I can just imagine the views on a blue bird day. We all made our way up,up,up and over until finally I found the summit. This is where Seth waited so we could get his video and pictures of him approaching. Finally there’s another 46r in the books. A celebration of knuckles, pictures and champagne all around. Finally the fog is on the move and gives us some views of Colvin/Blake, Dial and Nippletop, Basin, Saddleback I think, Marcy is 90% viewed once along with Skylight. Just beauty at its best. It’s late by now 5ish and we say our goodbyes to the summit for the long trek back to the Garden. Not wasting time as we know it will be dark and wanted to at least get on flat ground in headlamps.
At Bushnell Falls lean-to its getting dark and we get the lamps out. The BaHa Death March Is on. Finally back to JBL everyone is hanging out on the deck and picnic tables. Two guys warn us about the Growl they heard when they went to the river to smoke there cigars and promptly came back to the lodge. Funny thing they said was, you must be experienced night hikers…. Well this is only second time I have been out after dark, 1st time being coming off Whiteface and my partner Zippy broke her ankle and she was littered out by SAR. We had no issues as we made the parking lot at 10PM.
Thirsty and hungry we tried the Ausable inn , no luck on food. So it was Hotdogs for me, Seth had a sub and Adam enjoyed a dog and something else I can’t remember. Off to camp for showers after a long day and to call there Wifes so they where not worried. None of us stayed up after our showers, directly to bed. Such a great day despite the lack of perfect views but we did get some. Just happy to be apart of another persons epic journey and accomplishments into the 46r club. Soon it shall be me. I have 8 and 6 after September 26th , looks like I’ll wait another year to finish….Or Not….?? 