Balsam cap/Friday or Van Wyck Jan 8/9th

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Jay H

New member
Sep 8, 2003
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Pittsfield, MA
Anybody interested in camping out on the summit viewpoint on Van Wyck next weekend which would be Jan 8th/9th? FunkyFreddy and I are considering it, depending on the whims of what we feel like doing or the weather. Van Wyck would be a fairly easy bushwack through open woods with one ledge to ascent or go around. A fantastic viewpoint exists on the summit of Peekamoose and Table. This is a pure bushwack from Peekamoose road but we would return via Table and then south back to the road, unless we feel like going back the way we came. Winter camping rules apply and winter gear applies. We are also considering doing Balsam Cap and Friday, with explorations of the plane crash there. We do have the option of camping between BC and Friday too but as expected with Van Wyck, camping spots will be limited so I'd imagine we'd have to pare down to 2 or at most 3 tents, depending on how many folks go.

If you are free, let me know, it is also possible to do Van Wyck table/peekamoose as a day trip or Balsam Cap, so if you're interested but not interested in camping, you have the option to just join us for the day.

If interested, let me know or just reply here...


P.S. Friday and Balsam Cap are the last 2 I need for the regular Catskills 3500. I probably have most of the winter ones done though as I hike more in winter anyway.
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Jay..If all goes well after tomorrows first bushwack i was going to do kaaterskill with the 3500 club on 1/8. I might want to join u guys for the day if that's ok. I have to work on sunday..thx
Hey Coldfeet, maybe I'm a bit confused, if you are hiking with the 3500 group on saturday and working on Sunday, how would you be with us? :) Not a problem though, if you are free on saturday, you're welcome to join us.

We're leaning towards doing Balsam Cap/Friday as of now. Hermit, a catskill native offered to show Fred and I the plane crash on Friday since he knows that area well. You would be well on your way to the winter 3500s.

BC/Friday are known for having ledges and stuff, and there most likely will be at least a covering of snow at the summit. If you are comfortable with that, than you'll enjoy the bushwack to Friday, and with Hermit there, he knows the best route to avoid most of them anyway.

Jay..i thought i go with you guys instead of the i saw a thread about peakbagr's trip..since i can only go on sat. which do you think would be an easier trip for a semi beginner?..thx
I will probably be available Sat. for a day hike up Friday and Balsam Cap.Upper elevations may get some snow and ice this week. I don't think snow shoes will be necessary,but you never know.I would have the crampons just in case.The vertical is more than Kaaterskill H/P,and the climb is a bit more strenuous.I have been packing 2 headlamps with me,because some of my hiking partners like to stop and smell the roses,I mean conifers.I know Jay is a hiking machine.It does get icy on the East side of those hills.I was on a search and rescue for someone who was killed on Friday Mtn. with no snow and ice in April a couple years ago.We can have a safe ,fun trip by being prepared,and by starting early.My buddy Maddy would like to join in as long as we go at a reasonable pace.
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Easier between Balsam/Eagle, Katerskill or Balsam Cap/Friday...

Most certainly, being a trailed peak- Balsam/Eagle would be the easiest. I think, now is a good time to do Kaaterskill because depending on which direction you do Kaaterskill, a whole lotta trails up there are overrun by vehicles and are muddy and wet in the spring. But Friday/Balsam Cap would be a bushwack whereas the B/E and Kat are pretty much trailed summit although I saw that Peakbagr plans on bushwacking back to the trailhead from Eagle. Still, BC/Friday would be the hardest hike of the three listed.

We are supposed to get some freezing rain down here on Wednesday, but that might make it a bit icy up in the catskills come the weekend.

Have you done any bushwacking in the catskills, from reading your posts, it sounds like you are new to winter hiking. I don't want to discourage you but I think the safe decision would be for you to do Balsam/Eagle or Kaaterskill HP. I've hiked with Ralph and Fred and I know their speed. Kaaterskill, in a nice day will have some nice views, better than Balsam/Eagle, however Balsam is a winter peak needed for the regular 3500, you might consider that and is a pretty good beginner winter hike.

Some people consider Friday/BC one of the hardest bushwacks in the catskills. I temper this a bit because Ralph is da man and he knows the area well. But I would still expect some steep slopes that may or may not be icy. Ledges that may need to be ascended and some balsam to go through.

I'll leave the decision up to you, if you do decide to do our hike, Ralph and I can help in letting you know what you should bring and when to meet. I tend to be an early hiker, I have no problems leaving NJ at the wee hours in the morning to get early starts in winter. Since I plan on camping, it's not a big deal for us, but for dayhikers, it's good to get an early start in winter to avoid as much of the darkness as possible. Of course, a headlamp is mandatory in my books for winter hiking, irregardless of how long I'm out for.

if I come up it would be for the day.
My daughters birthday party is on Sunday.
With that said I need Friday BC and Rocky for winters.
Maybe I can go in with you guys and split off when you go plane hunting and pick up Rocky. then I will hike past you camp on the way out if you are still camping in between Friday and BC.
i would want to start around 6:30 7 am to give myself enough light. depending on ice this plan may go to hell and we just do Friday. That would leave BC and Rocky again for me.
does the start time sound ok to you and Fred.
Ralph you are da man.
I think I hiked Friday the day after you last March 28. Followed your tracks down around the ledges and then you went off to BC.
Jay email with final itinerary.
[QUOTE - Hermit - We can have a safe ,fun trip by being prepared,and by starting early.My buddy Maddy would like to join in as long as we go at a reasonable pace.If the pace is fast she can stay at home and watch the game.Me ,any pace is fine.[/QUOTE]

You can count on me being slow, going up Friday with a full pack. I'm a moderately paced hiker to begin with, with a full pack for winter camping..... oh well, let's just say my pace won't be too fast. I will defintitely bring my crampons, having forgotten them once before for an icy spring hike up Friday. That's one mistake I won't make again.

It will be good to finally meet and hike with you, Ralph. I look forward to hiking with someone who knows the area so well. It will be great if you can make it too, Al, would be good to see you and hike with you again. I'm really looking forward to this hike, hopefully the weather will be good.
OK, folks, I will email everybody by Thursday at the latest right now on the itinerary... I am OK with the early start, gathering that I saw Ralph mysteriously show up at 4amish the day we did the Devil's Path, I gather Ralph is OK with that too (let me know otherwise).

Fred, given the schedule, I sent you an email about the bus/train schedules to get to Suffern, NY. However, if Al wants to do 7am or so start, then there is probably no train early enough. However, you are welcome to stay at my place i NJ on Friday night, and perhaps Sunday night. I can drop you off at a NJTransit station in Wayne right where I work on Monday morning and you can take that train back to NYC... I don't know if there would be any trains sunday night to NYC on the Boonton Line because the Boonton line is a fairly small line, as far as NJTransit goes. I've taken the train to NYC there before. Actually, I took it to the ferry that goes to lower manhatten once before. Let me know if that would work OK, I am working this friday but I can always pick you up somewhere, Either the Bus to the Willowbrook or Mother's Park and Ride or the Train to Mountainview Station, Wayne.

Anyway, I'll talk to you offline, and we can figure out what to do...

Early is ok with me.I am usually at work in Woodstock at 5:00 a.m..I am up at 3:30 everyday.I don't require much sleep.Just let me know where we can all meet.We can even make it at my house in West Shokan.It's on the way for everyone I believe.This way if anyone is late ,they can call the house and say wait awhile.I think that the cell phones will work up to Shokan.I will give my phone# when the plan solidifies.
Take care ,
Ps ,they are calling for some snow this week.
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Saturdays weather and the good possibility of freezing rain etc. etc. with a nice day on sunday..... We're going to bag the camp and just do a dayhike to BC and Friday on Sunday, which is supposed to be the nicer day. If anybody wants to join, Me, Fred, and Ralph on a day hike, contact me ASAP. We'll be trying to meet at Ralphs house and then carpool to the trailhead on Moon Haw Rd.
