Balsam Lake Mt., Catskills, Feb. 13

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Sep 4, 2003
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The Beautiful Finger Lakes; Avatar: 4 Hrs. up, 4
I am planning on climbing Balsam Lake Mt. next Sunday, Feb. 13. My daughter and I are meeting crazymama and heading down early in the morning. I hope to reach Arkville sometime around 9:30 and we'll look for some place for a quick breakfast before heading in to the trailhead. daxs, ADK4487 and Jay H will tentatively meet up with us somewhere.

I'll be taking the Dry Brook Ridge Trail south from Mill Brook Rd. I haven't done this route but the map and guidebook suggest this will be a relatively easy climb though longer than the approach from the southern end. ~6 miles RT, ~1100 ft. elevation gain.

When I was last on B L Mt. (6/2001), the tower had been recently rebuilt and was in perfect condition. There is a privy on top and I have read that sometimes the ranger's cabin is open when the trail maintainers are up there. The view from the tower is unrestricted. If the weather cooperates, it will be awesome. Promise.

Anyone is welcome to join us. But, I am not a trip leader just a trip-taker. Standard disclaimer, your risk, blah, blah, blah.

See you there.

Just curious-is anyone on this Balsam Lake Mt hike considering doing Graham as well? If you're having breakfast @ 9:30 in Arkville, you'll probably be on the trail between 10 and 10:30. I did BLM and Graham last September in about 6 hours. It obviously may be slower going than it was then, but I also lingered on both summits quite a while that day. I'm trying to decide between this hike and Dawn's Peek/Table trip.

There are some tentative plans for Carol, Ed, and I to do Graham as well! But having a large breakfast might preclude those plans, who knows... it might be how we feel after Saturday's hike...



Some of us (them) may be doing Graham as well, as Jay said. The main reason that I'm not planning it is because of the long (3 hrs.) trip home (crazy mama has another 2+ hours from me). In Ed's case, though, distance doesn't figure into his equation. He'll only be 6 hrs. or so from his home, so if he's out of the woods by 7, 8 o'clock it won't be a problem for him.

I am planning to call and ask for permission to hike Graham on Sun so this peak is definitely on my radar. Since the Catskills are only a 4 hour drive home for me I am flexible for time. I can't imagine that we would be out of the woods later than 6:30 ish. Some of us are also hiking Wittenberg-Cornell -Slide on Sat. I will post this as soona s we firm up the starting time.

Only 4 hours? God bless you folks with these long drives for day hikes.
I feel very fortunate to only be an hour or so from so many great peaks.
Anyhow, that's good that you're planning on asking permission for Graham.
Balsam Lake Mt really is a pretty short n' easy hike from the north approach, and that unmarked trail to Graham is usually pretty strong. I did the whole thing in less than 6 hours in the fall, including quite a bit of summit-time. We'll just have to see what Thursday brings us in terms of snow.
I may also be up for that Burroughs Range traverse. This will probably be one of those weekends where I decide what to do the day before. I'll keep watching this board for your plans.

You may see Maddy and I up there Sunday. I need Graham and Balsam Lake for Feb. for the 35x12 grid. Tee Jay the last time I saw you was at the end of the Long Trail terminus in June when Cave Dog, Beverly,and myself- aka Night Dog came strolling through.It would be good to see you ,and the gang again.Look for a gray 4 runner with ski racks or a gold Camry.Both will have 46r emblems on them.