Barnes Field, 7/9 ti 7/11ish.

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Oops, yeah, AT&T. I get pretty good cell reception at Crawford Notch and Lincoln, Gorham.. Conway.. I don't recall if I checked my cell phone when I was at Pinkham notch on Monday...

And I have new coils and spark plugs at 68k and the car now has 91k miles. Spark plugs and 3 coils do not go bad in 24,000 miles... I

should've brought your MR2!

Modern plugs in today's motors should go at least 100K...
Jay I have AT&T and it does okay! You should maybe tell them to text for you to call. Takes less signal to text. I have done that from about 2500ft out on Owl's Head with my phone! Provider is one thing and phone can be another.

My daughter and I have been planning to hike so we may be up that way Satyurday night and Sunday. If its raining we may stay at in-laws in Milan to be close and fast to York Pond. We also hope to get another in summit in that afternoon, TBD. May stop in and see you if we slow up for a bit!;)

Good luck with the Suby!
Car update.. believe it or not I did a 4k today and it's only 9:21am and I'm back at the Subaru place...

Left the Glen Boulder trailhead at 5:15am, on the summit of Wildcat D at 6:30, rain didn't start til about 3k and i had views all up and down Pinkham Notch (could even see the visitor's center and JDL). Then when I got to Wildcat E, it started to rain harder and I scooted to the chairlift for shelter. Dropped pack, picked my camera and ran up to the summit, took a picture of the USGS marker and some weird stairs to nowhere... and went back for my stuff.. and back down to the trailhead by like 7:15.

Then I drove to JDL and snuck in a shower so at least I was clean and wet as opposed to smelly and wet.

Well, turns out my Subaru needs 3 other coils (the one that was replaced at 68k is fine) and now they have to order it monday and hopefully be in tuesday which means I'm stuck here... I have barnes field actually til tuesday... Oh well, I guess I could be stuck in a worse place and it should mean that I can go tag the Carters and Wildcat A sunday or monday...

Heck, I could even finish, but I think I'll save that for a weekend.

Dave, sent you a PM..

Barnes field was lonely last night, a group in a tart cart was camping behind the woods but nobody else was there!!

Dr Wu, who needs knees? Handstands are where its at!

should've brought your MR2!

Modern plugs in today's motors should go at least 100K...

Yup, they and I decided it wasn't the plugs so they are reusing the old plugs (those new plugs are $16/plug :eek:) and ordering 3 new coils...

I was going to stop by your place if I was going home but looks like that will wait til tuesday and it might not be til dinner.. Maybe we can grab some food somewhere..

BTW, my phone has gotten wet and might not be functional... I hope it gets better, otherwise I may just show up!

Also, I barely got 1 or 2 bars at barnes field..

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