Basin & Haystack Attempt 12-26-08

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Pete, Sharon & Jared set out from the Garden a little late, 7am, hoping to do Basin and possibly Haystack - the trail was easy and broken to Johns brook Lodge, good base maybe a foot packed plus a little fresh powder; one set of tracks went along the Brook a short way past the lodge but the next several miles were unbroken, getting progressively deeper and breaking through crust under the powder, sinking maybe a foot to knee deep even with snowshoes, so very tough going - a couple more people to break and we might've gotten to Basin, but no more. We changed destination to Haystack but only got about .4 mi past Shorey Shortcut. Running out of time & energy, called it a day at about 4200 - still more than a mile & ~800' to go. So near but so far... a nice, 15 mile snowshoe trip instead of bagging a peak!! A pine marten stopped by to say hi.