Basin & Saddleback 01/18/09

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From JBL a group of 3 took Phelps Tr. to Shorey Short Cut Tr. to Range Tr. (over Basin & Saddleback) to Ore Bed Brook Tr. back to JBL. Shorey Short Cut steep, was not broken out at time. Were joined by 2 others at Shorey/Range intersection who had just summitted Haystack (congrats to Todd on his Winter 46er). Range Tr. from Shorey to Saddleback was drifted in, required considerable trail breaking. Going up Basin is steep, but ladder was clear. Had to serach for trail coming down off Basin; come down the chute and head for the col. Used snowshoes entire way, except switched to crampons for Saddleback cliff. Cliff was mostly bare rock with intermittent ice. First step onto the cliff was the hardest; gave the first person a boost up, then he threw down a rope for rest. Ice axe was not needed, but that could change w/ conditions. All trails had plenty of snow, even down low.