Baxter 08/01/11 – 08/08/11/

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Sep 4, 2003
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Thornton, NH
As some of you may already know, August 1st thru the 8th is the annual Baxter Bash hosted by our own Wendy. It is a weeklong extravaganza of hiking, campfires, frivolity, foolishness, merriment, debauchery, licentiousness, Bible study and a host of other anti-social behavior. I have an extra prepaid spot for a week at Baxter and I am willing to yield this spot to the “right” person so it doesn’t go to waste.

So, if you can play well with others, have your own vehicle, camping supplies, a note from your spouse/mother/significant other/parole officer and can handle the rigors of a week long (or shorter if you wish) camping experience complete with the sounds/smells/tastes of camping, know the 7 ontological proofs of God’s existence, do not own the ring of Gyges, and can accept the occasional puppet nudity, you may be our ideal candidate. Please post if you are interested. If more than one applies, a committee of camping elders will determine the winner.


p.s.The group has veto powers for all applicants.
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After going through over 5L of water last weekend in the Mahoosucs, I'm never parting with my Steripen!

Last Saturday was a very thirsty day for sure!

Including my two quart pre-hike infusion of Gatorade, I was at 7 before reaching the finish line.

I also have 2 tickets to paradise at baxter. send me a pm if interested. Approval, rules and restrictions apply. :)
We may be there on the 8th to finish our 67. We have done Baxter and Hamlin, but still need N. Brother.