Beginner w/4K question

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New member
Feb 15, 2005
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Dover, NH
I am a novice hiker having only seriously become addicted since this past June... I casually hiked off and on while growing up in NH. After reading some threads here, I am a little confused about what counts for the 4K NH list. This past Sunday I hiked the Avalon to Field to Tom loop. Does Tom count? I hope I have not violated any protocol by posting a new thread. I am hoping other beginners might un-lurk themselves as I have. VFTT has been a wonderful resource and adjunct to my hiking education. Thanks for any guidance on the 4K question.
Welcome to the boards.

If you are asking about whether you can count more than one peak in a single hike for the AMC 4000'ers list, the answer is an unqualified yes. Multiple peaks are pretty much par for the course.

There is a separate 4000'er list, compiled and organized by a group called the Trailwrights that requires you to climb each peak in a separate hike. Not very many folks set out to do this list. They have 72 peaks (the AMC list has 48) some of which are bushwacks, and they also require you to perform 72 hours of trail work and maintainence to complete the list.

The 4000'ers FAQ may answer a lot of common questions.

Hello Jennifer,

We were all once novice hikers battling the addiction... I started hiking back in the late 80's, but was in control until 1995. Then my addiction became a problem... I am still battling with it today, but have begun to accept it :)

I would suggest attending a hikers anonymous gathering, which we have about twice a year (at one of the finer campgrounds of New England). In the meantime, keep getting your hiking fix anyway you can... :)

As for Mt Tom, your loop hike over Avalon to Field definitely counts unless you were riding a snowmobile, and if you were it should still count because you would be certified more insane than anyone on this bulletin board (except maybe for Pete Hickey or possibly Mr. X) :eek:

In all seriousness, doing Field and Tom in the same loop is totally acceptable. Many people also add Willey in the same hike...
Hi, Jennifer, welcome to the site. No problem with the new thread. It's the way to start off a new topic. The other guys got it right, both "count". But Tom is worth doing again anyway, right? :D

- darren
Thanks for the clarification. Unfortunately, my addiction is already out of control.. from the gear I can't seem to get enough of to suddenly needing to bag those 4k's... I'm obsessed!! :eek:

one other question... during this hike Sunday, as we approached the summit of Tom, we saw that other hikers had left their packs on the trail side below the last push to the top... well-- we thought that was a great idea and followed suit. I'm wondering if that's only okay to do during winter when just the addicts seem to be out on the mountains. This fall we had heard of cars being broken into at trailheads. How big a problem is theft?
Jennifer said:
This fall we had heard of cars being broken into at trailheads. How big a problem is theft?
Pretty much a non-issue on the trail. Theives simply don't go through all the effort to hike into the woods to steal things. Still, I always carry my wallet, camera, and car keys with me. They all live in my pack but I wouldn't drop my pack with those still in them. Although the risk is extremely small, the inconvience is pretty major.

Welcome to VFTT! I went through the addiction last year, so I can fully understand what you're dealing with right now. I think your question has been fully covered by the others here - that there is no restriction on the number of peaks done on a given hike.

As you continue in your quest, you'll find other amusing situations come up, such as making sure you really found the summit, especially on Tom, which has two different clearings on the summit; you went to the farther one facing the Twins, right? right? :) Or you'll kick yourself for not cruising over to Willey while you were up there. It's all good, all fun, and I wish you a ton of luck.
Those who've posted before me are definitely addicted :) So much so that MichaelJ convinced about 40 of us to join him when he finished his 48 on Moosilauke this past September (ok MichaelJ - you owe me!).

The good: these are all great people. Don't be afraid to hook up on a hike. Many of us know each other from the hikes and the Gatherings (the winter one in Barnes Field was attended by ~70 hardy souls).

The bad: I personally spend a lot of time on the Marriage Continuation Program :) Non-hikers do not seem to understand this obsession...

The best: the people, and the places we visit.

Welcome to the board, and the addiction. Bookmark VFTT - you know you want to ;)
Welcome! and if you have to have an addiction, I can't think of a better one to have other than chocolate which fits right in with this addiction. We got hooked a few years back and I hope we never tire of it.

I, too, was a little nervous about posting and meeting up with people I don't know to hike out in the wilderness all alone with. Having 2 kids with me, I didn't want to endanger them but I have only good things to say about the people that I've hiked with...except for SherpaK (ha ha). Seriously all the people I've met are wonderful and supportive. It's nice to meet people who have the same crazy thoughts running through their heads.
Wrong Peak?

the wrong peak??? ...ohmigod!... :eek: I can't imagine... as a novice, that particular loop was the longest hike I've done thus far... by the end, I was exhausted even though I run and lift weights... okay- so I'm one of those "older" hikers, and this sport is clearly about elevation gain and my hill running isn't the same!.... anyway, that loop has inspired my brother and I to lengthen our hikes to become more conditioned for the rest of the 4K's.

we did follow a couple from Maine doing the same loop, and I believe he posted to the "trail conditions" if he is "Rob and Nancy." He had done Tom before, and so I am assuming we got to the right peak though we passed them on their way down from the peak and I can't be certain.

Bob and Gerri- thanks for the invitation, but we are thinking of doing Waumbek on Sunday.. anyone done that recently? I saw one report from February 8th, and Starr King was a bit icy before this most recent storm, though I've had some (not a lot of) crampon experience on Jackson and elsewhere. We're hoping last week's storm took care of most of the ice.

My plan is to finish this and that before I get married... thus avoiding such "continuation" plans. She's going to Arizona for 6 days while I'm going to Baxter. Boy did she get the short end of that stick... (of course she thinks it's the other way around) :D

I better hurry

Tramper Al said:
What they suggested was that he go and get some magazines about private aircraft, flying, bush piloting and the like, and just start leaving them around the house. The idea was that this sort of thing would be far more time consuming, dangerous, and expensive than an old car would be. So she would be relieved that he would 'compromise', and 'settle' for the Porsche 356 convertible.

Yeah, I leave heroin needles all around the apartment so that when my girlfriend finds them I can be like, "yeah, I'm going to give up heroin I think and take up hiking instead..."

Actually -- welcome Jennifer, btw -- my girlfriend got me into hiking. I first climbed Washington with my dad at age 12 and hiked intermittently throughout the years but only now, as I'm approaching 30, has the bug really bitten. And as you can see by my Avatar, myself and my hiking buddy Dalraida have turned into bug-eyed lizard monster sleestacks because of it.

My only suggestion is to not limit yourself just to the NH48. The Northeast is so beautiful, it'd be a shame to miss it all. Check out this list for a varied approach to the Northeast US. If you really get crazy, you might want to check out what Quebec has to offer. Who knows, maybe you'll join us to the First VFTT trip to the Torngats someday. I can picture it now, "VFFT Torngat Gathering 1.0."

Hope to see you on the trails... check out some of the trips people post in "Trips and Events" section.


Dr. Wu
spencer said:
Do you remember what they told the guy who wanted to get into demolition derby?

he'd never have to worry about finding a significant other...

Absolutely. Weatherman and I used to hike frequently with a guy who actually did compete in demolition derbies. He is a physician from Vermont who gets excited and shouts at public events from time to time. I don't think he would want me to name him though. He too was recently grounded my family obligations, and had to give up the derby.
Hey SherpaK - I'll give you "Hallelujah!" oh yeah. On the drive up to Sunday River this past weekend I was eyeing Lo'Macks and having kayak dreams...

Oh, right, it's still supposedly winter.

Jennifer, I'm just hassling you about the summit of Tom. It's one of the very few where there are two summit clearings and it's always good fun to tease people about not having actually been on the true summit. :D

I think Seema had more for her Moose finish than I did. You can count 'em (except me, since I'm the photographer) here. See? We're a sane-looking bunch ... we promise not to feed you to the bears or sacrifice you to the weather gods!