Enough it's to close to home!
Heck I've slept in an old recliner before in the basement not to wake up baby & mom, Wife has got used to it, she is up a couple of times a night & I'll drink an extra 20-32 ounces of water before bed which guarantees I don't sleep late before a hike
Dresser in basement full of clothes.
We keep snack/sandwich/quart & 1 gallon zip-locks upstairs, for really big things I break into my hiking stash of 2 1/2 gallon zip-locks - great for hiking!
Can't name the 48 alphabetically but can do the 48, 67 the ADK 46 & the 111 by elevation. Can't tell stories, this is how I bore my kids to sleep at night & one of the tricks to staying awake on long car rides home.
Family live 20 -30 miles away, too far to see often but no thought given to driving 250+ miles each way for a day hike. (Still have Dad's Christmas gift)
Gave up Cheese, Chocolate Desserts, etc. for lent but hiking food or hiking breakfast don't count BUT only Pop-Tarts in the house are with hiking stuff & cheese & chocolate (+ pepperoni & clif bars) are hiking lunch
Hopefully by the end of July I'll have 1/2 a dozen South 6,000's done, I'll have another list to memorize!!!!!!!!
Is there something wrong with me, as long as I compare myself you everyone here, nope