Ben Kilham ("Papa Bear") on Animal Planet this week

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Ben Kilham, a naturalist with a UNH degree who lives in Lyme NH (a Hanover "suburb"), raises orphan cubs and rehabilitates them to return to the wild. He's a fascinating guy. I've heard him talk locally and seen his accompanying slide show. At the time, I thought how great it would be if he showed videos. Here it is, "Papa bear," a film on Discovery's Animal Planet at different times this week, starting tomorrow. (See show times at the end of this link.) I think this will really be worth seeing. I especially recommend it to the person who posted earlier about having an oddly paranoid fear of bears.
Thanks for the tip, Waumbek. I can remember seeing Ben Kilham's signs about bears being re-introduced to the wild while hiking the AT near Hanover early this summer. The signs got me quite curious about his work, so I'll definitely be checking the program out.

- Ivy
Thanks for the info Waumbeck, we'll be sure to catch that show!

If any one would like to know even more about Benjamin Kilham & his unbelievable work with bears, you can also read his book:

"Among the Bears..Raising Orphan Cubs in the Wild"

His hands on research with assimilating little bear cubs into the wild is eye-opening & enlightening!!
That was a great show!! A heartbreaking ending.

Also last night on the History Channel was a story of Hugh Herr who was rescued on MtWashington in 1982. A searcher was killed in an avalanche trying to find him. Herr had both feet amputated due to frost bite
great book

His book was really good reading, he really discovered a lot of their habits nobody ever knew about.
can anyone record the animal planet show?

for me, email me if you can, I'll pay for tape or DVD.
I cant get 'Animal Planet'

Also 'Second Ascent' is a great book, recommended reading
Likewise, Bob, I discovered that I don't get the Discovery channel either. (Shows you how often I actually turn on the TV set.) A friend in CA whom I'll see when I'm out over the holidays said he'd try to tape it for me. If it works and the copy is mine to bring home, I'm happy to share.