Best hike to celebrate the Red Sox winning the ALCS?

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I wish I was hiking up to the back row in Section 17 or doing a traverse from Section 4a at the right field foul poul all the way to the left field pole (no, wait! That's the family section -- no beer there!)

Mount Section 17 is a mellow 1/4 mile hike from it's trailhead on Yawkey Way with a gain of about 100 ft. That would make booktime at about 0:10.

The traverse is more difficult mainly because at game time, this trail will be more crowded than the Notch on Labor Day. Either way, leave no trace.

Sigh, I'd love to have tickets....

Double Bow said:
The Red Sox are going to the World Series!!!!! :) :)

What will you hike to celebrate?

What will you hike to celebrate when they WIN the series?? :cool:
When the Rockies win the Series, we can all go out and do a few 14,000'ers! :eek:


Actually, since the Mets ejected themselves from playoff consideration, I haven't really cared... :(
I think we just had this conversation. It is highly irresponsible to hike while inebriated and I plan on being highly inebriated.

I may hike around my office all week wearing my Trot Nixon jersey. I miss trot.

When not inebriated, I'd consider, Wachusetts, Blue Hills oor on a clear day, Monadnock. Keep Fenway in your sights, even if from a distance.
If your going to be wearing your Red Sox Trot Nixon jersey, purgatory chasm might be a good destination.

I am going to celebrate right now, by cutting out early and hiking to the Albany Bluffs, followed by a paddle around the lake. :D
Maybe for the next week or two, they could change the names of the Presidentials to Mt. Manny, Ortiz, Pedroia, Beckett and so on...

Hey, we already have a Mt. Lowell -- go do that one. Avoid peaks like "Rocky" in the Catskills for the next week or so.

-Dr. Wu
Best hike to celebrate the Red Sox winning the ALCS?

Mt Pemigewasset
(Indian Head)
Mt Tecumseh

GO, INDIANS!!!! Game 8 is tonight, right?
dr_wu002 said:
Maybe for the next week or two, they could change the names of the Presidentials to Mt. Manny, Ortiz, Pedroia, Beckett and so on...

Hey, we already have a Mt. Lowell -- go do that one. Avoid peaks like "Rocky" in the Catskills for the next week or so.

-Dr. Wu
Until November 2 the "Rocky Branch Trail" is off limits! :D
Caution: may contain humor and sarcasm

I'm going to do a bushwhack to SW Twin from 13 Falls with 3 dogs, a Boy Scout troop and a mini-keg of Zima. Think they have cell phone reception up there? I'll be sure to post the pictures on the website I'm making to brag about my accomplishments afterwards! :D :D
Maybe instead of hiking Rocky in the catskills, you can hike Red Hill (a firetower hike!) or Red Kill Ridge on the CAT100... or perhaps Reddington in ME.

Think Red

Jay H said:
Maybe instead of hiking Rocky in the catskills, you can hike Red Hill (a firetower hike!) or Red Kill Ridge on the CAT100... or perhaps Reddington in ME.


The red theme is exactly what I was thinking Jay, although you were much more creative. My suggestion is the Red Ridge Trail up North Moat Mountain in N. Conway, NH.
