Beware Counterfeit Duracell Batteries

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Sep 8, 2003
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If you are on the way to the trailhead and need batteries, you might want to look them over really closely.

I got a 4 pack of AAA duracell batteries 4 months ago from a gas station on 9 between Tivoli and Rhinecliff because I forgot to load up my shot gun microphone before I left home. I looked at the package to make sure they were fresh..shelf life was good until 2014.

So the other day I was inspecting the mic, and found a battery had leaked inside the chamber...I was going to kick myself for leaving the power switch on but it was off... I cleaned the mess out and went to replace the battery from the package I bought.

The remaining, unused batteries had leaked a white gel into the plastic tray of the package. I thought that was kind of unusual, because they were stored on a shelf in a cool basement.

So I looked at the back of the package, and every address and phone number is on the Australian continent. Now either Proctor and Gamble has a massive quality problem, or these are fakes.

Bottom line--- be careful when you get your batteries on the road....they might not last as long as you expect or they may damage your equipment.

For more info-
Funny this should come up. I was asked to repair a camera that had a battery leak, just so happened to be Duracells. I thought it was strange but just figured the camera was stored in a hot place. I'll have to look more carefully from now on.