haven't seen a TR for this yet....
t'was fun to have an afternoon meet n' greet with some of you folks yesterday in proctorsville.
bummed we could only stick around for a few hours and we missed the bands and the late night carousing but nevertheless we all three enjoyed ourselves and were pleased to make the acquaintance of so many good folks.
Special shout out to darlene (Dude.....I think she thinks we're the band!), do truancy, Chinooktrail (christine from Greene!), McRat, arm, abster, Mad Townie, Neil, bob, sherpa, gris, 'Machine gun' kim, stev-o, DaveBear, mtnpa
we did not get to meet steve, the host and master of ceremonies himself but his friends and guests served him well in his absence.
Hope you all had a blast!
We’ll be seeing ya,
-michael, pete, andy