Big Indian - Feb. 3, 2008

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Started from Seeger trailhead - five member expedition. Had to wear crampons in the parking area since it was a sheet of ice - then never took them off for the rest of the day. A couple other hikers barebooted until reaching the start of the steep portion of the trail at the lean-to. Trail was very hard packed snow to ice with a dusting of snow.

From the col between Eagle and Big Indian there was slightly more than a dusting of fresh snow (long spikey flakes) and magnificent rhime ice on every surface. Above the col only the trail would dependably support your weight with each step - as soon as we got off the trail we would break thru the crusty surface into 6 - 8" of snow below. Made for difficult bushwacking to summit at times - would not want to do that for an extended amount of time with those conditions.

Beautiful blue skies and generally light wind with warm conditions by the afternoon (snow and ice got softer up high with exposure to sun - remained hard down in the valley).

Great views of Doubletop, Graham and Eagle throughout the day. Just a really nice, mellow climb on a great day to be out.