Big Slide Loop (clockwise)

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High Clearance

Date of hike : Dec 30th, 2008

Route: Started from the Garden Parking Lot. Hiked Phelps trail to JBL (missed Slide Mt Brook Trail!), then managed to find Slide Mt Brook Trail and followed it until I reached the summit. Returned to The Garden via trail over The Brothers. Needed 5:20 to complete loop.

Trail Conditions:
- Phelps trail - 3in of powder over hard surface, many icy spots.
- Slide Mt Brook Trail - same than Phelps with a bit more snow as you gain altitude. STREAM CROSSINGS DIFFICULT (see comments below)
- trail over The Brothers - new powder over packed snow, many hidden ice spots

Special Equipment Required: Snowshoes and/or crampons - essential

Comments: To those who plan to hike Slide Mt Brook Trail, I would suggest the following. Because of warm weather in the last days, Slide Mt Brook is difficult to cross and the trail crosses it 6 times! In my opinion, four of these six crossings could be avoided. (note: Phelps trail crosses Slide Mt Brook on a wooden bridge, this 7th crossing is therefore easy and is not included in my description) When going up, you first follow the brook on the left. You may bypass the 1st crossing, 'cause the 2nd comes in 200-300 yards. You bypass it too, stay on the left side of the brook. And then comes quickly the 3rd crossing, go for it and beware! You now follow the right side of the brook (when going up). The 4th crossing comes a little farther. Bypass it and stick to this side of the brook 'cause (again!), a 5th crossing brings the trail back on the right side after a short distance. Then, the 6th and last crossing comes. You go. It's by far the easiest anyway and after that, the trail leaves the brook for good. When going down, skip 2nd, 3rd, 5th and 6th crossings. All this apply in the present conditions. Obviously, colder temperatures will help a lot...

Your name: High Clearance