My wife and I hiked the 3 Loon Lake Mountain peaks in the Adirondacks yesterday. Worst bugs I have encountered in years. Giant horseflies that devoured us for 6 hours. The minute you stopped for even a second you got swarmed by 50-100 of them. It was like a biblical plague of bugs man.
I think I have to go to the Red Cross this morning to get some blood to replace everything I lost yesterday!!
Sorry to hear about the blood donation If it's deerfly or horse flies, try these two sided adhesive tape products. I've been using them for about 5 year. Last saturday I was clearing a trail surrounded by beaver bogs. The deerfly were tremendous and I didn't get bit once. You take this tape, put it on top of a hat that you don't care about. Turns out this kind of fly (ONLY this kind) always circles your head, then does a test landing on your head. The second landing it is in for the kill. But, it hits the tape and voila, one less for you and me, one less to lay eggs! I caught about 60 deerfly. The only thing is that those that get stuck to the paper with their feet will continue to buzz around on the tape, and it sounds like a million flies! And this tape is sooo cheap. go here: eBay, then search for Deerfly Patches, TredNot Deer Fly Patch Odorless repellent