Black fly reports for your area?

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I wore the bug net for the first time in many years on the ladder section of Flume on Sunday, the black flies were swarming. Deet kept them from biting, but not landing and crawling. Considering I spent the Saturday in the Maine woods near Mt Blue and tolerated the swarms, Osseo was far worse.
6/6/11 -- Tons of them chased the girls and I down the Moosilauke Carriage Road from the intersection with Glencliff to the intersection with Snapper. Not fun. Only bad part of an otherwise lovely hike. Gorge Brook and Snapper weren't too was just that one mile stretch of Moosilauke Carriage Road. I've never been in the midst of such a nasty, hungry swarm. At least Max managed to eat some of them for us.
I'm not sure why this happened but when I hiked up to Cannon Mt. using the Kinsman Ridge Trail from the Tramway parking lot, I don't recall encountering any black flies. It was awesome!
Saturday, 6/4, saw no sign of them on the hike to Dix Mtn via Round Pond. Sunday we hike Blackhead in the Catskills and although there seemed to be a few buzzing around us at the parking area, they weren't biting and were negligible throughout the hike.
Did an overnight to Siamese Ponds, Adirondacks this past weekend. Mid-70's, no wind. It was buggy, but not horribly so, except near the vlei at the bottom of the shoulder over 11th mountain (brutal), where one might expect them to be bad. These were mostly mosquitos, not black flies, and were having a convention. On the Rt. 8 side of the shoulder they were all but nonexistent.
received a couple black fly bites yesterday morning on tumbledown, overall not very buggy out. anybody know how evans notch/wild river wilderness area or mahoosucs are fairing?
First bites of the season Sunday on Mt. Cube. Overall they weren't bad at all, but I got a few bites and applied spray to my legs.
Did three shorter hikes on Monday -

1) Zero bugs on Glen Boulder trail around noon

2) Encountered swarming Black Flies & Mosquitos on Pinkham B Rd in the afternoon, but they weren't biting aggressively

3) Got attacked by lots of annoying black flies in Evan's Notch after 5pm - stopping was very unpleasant I'd rate it a 3.5 out of 5 on the misery scale
The Milan black flies (near Mt Cabot) are still bad. On Monday (5/26) they were not present until the drizzle/rain stopped and then they came out in force.
The Milan black flies (near Mt Cabot) are still bad. On Monday (5/26) they were not present until the drizzle/rain stopped and then they came out in force.

I think I'd rather hike in the rain. Unless they have an umbrella for black flies.
Nary a sign of the buggers last Sunday at the Race Brook Falls trail, to the ridgeline, in Sheffield, MA. No bug issues at all, happy to say, but plenty of high-water falls. Bushwhacked with a bit of scrambling from below the upper main falls on the main trail, left of the brook, to below the uppermost falls and got some nice shots of them in twin formation, which happens only in high water - it was day and a half after a big rain. The rightward fall, shown in this pic, is usually dormant - it's a treat, the taller and, I think, prettier of the two. This is a view few take in.



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Nothing around Trips/Whiteface/Pass yesterday. A few things flying around the Sabbaday Falls parking at the end of the day but nothing biting. Nothing around the Seacoast for the last few weeks.
In Gay City State park in central CT (East of the CT River) Wednesday & Thursday. No issue on the cold gray Wednesday or early Thursday AM when it was cool. Near the end when it warmed up some the bugs were biting, mosquitos I believe.
I did Lincoln Woods Trail to Franconia Brook Trail to Garfield Ridge Trail to Garfield summit yesterday and was shocked to hardly see a mosquito or black fly for the entire walk. Prime mosquito country. I even brought a head net in anticipation of trouble by the brooks and little ponds. Even on way out last evening there was not much. Not a single bite. I doubt this can last much longer but I'll sure take it while it lasts!