Black Mountain...Lake George Region

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Friday(8-24), I decided to visit an ol favorite. I love hiking this trail and this mountain. It's been two years since I last visited it and right off the bat I noticed they changed the distance to the top. When I first did this trail, the distance was 3.3 miles in one of the trail books. Then I came across another trail book that said it was 3.1miles and then had read in even another one that it was 3.1 miles. I've been going on that premise for a good decade. It came as a surprise that the distance has now been dialed back to 2.5 miles. I guess GPS is responsible for that? But it was odd that certain older distance markers haven't been changed because the math doesn't always add up along the trail but that really isn't hear nor there...what concerned me was, are the Adirondack Mountains shrinking?

Friday was a wonderful day. A touch humid but comfortable enough to easily summit the top in under an hour and a half...The trail is in great shape. The folks who take of it have really done a great job curing the semi-swamp issues that use to plague the beginning of this trail. The trail is well defined and easy to follow. As I got near the summit, there are a few blow downs that I'm sure will be tended to in the near future but folks have worked there way around those few trouble spots nicely.

The top was gorgeous as always. I love the northerly view of Lake George. The sky was hazy but who cared, it was nirvana. I was hoping for solitude and even a little meditation but no sooner than ten minutes later another hiker arrived and instantly had to make a phone call. A few minutes after that 3 teenagers arrived who hiked up from the Lake. Very nice kids. After sitting on the summit for nearly an hour, I departed. I had a refreshing walk back and when I arrived at my car I gave thanks, hoping that I can soon revisit my ol friend.