Trail Conditions: Half foot of snow at bottom, increasingly more with elevation. Enough snow to hide ice and rocks but not completely cover them.
Special Equipment Required: Barebooted most of the way up then switched to Stabilicers for rest of the ascent and all of descent. Not enough snow for snowshoes or crampons. Some traction is helpful for upper half.
Comments: Trail tricky to follow in spots. One spot where trail appears to go left or right near forest boiundary (blue blazes). Right goes to a ledge view point. After that is a rock cave and a couple trees have faded yellow blazes that incorrectly indicate the trail goes this way. The trail goes to the left at the earlier fork. Correct yellow blazes are less faded.
Your name: Andy
Your E-mail address: [email protected]
Trail Conditions: Half foot of snow at bottom, increasingly more with elevation. Enough snow to hide ice and rocks but not completely cover them.
Special Equipment Required: Barebooted most of the way up then switched to Stabilicers for rest of the ascent and all of descent. Not enough snow for snowshoes or crampons. Some traction is helpful for upper half.
Comments: Trail tricky to follow in spots. One spot where trail appears to go left or right near forest boiundary (blue blazes). Right goes to a ledge view point. After that is a rock cave and a couple trees have faded yellow blazes that incorrectly indicate the trail goes this way. The trail goes to the left at the earlier fork. Correct yellow blazes are less faded.
Your name: Andy
Your E-mail address: [email protected]