blackhead mt 2-9-08 via dutcher notch

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We took Dutcher Notch trail to the escarpment trail (blue). to Blackhead Mt.
Initially the trail was just powdery snow over rock with a little hidden ice. It became icier just before we reached the notch and started on the escarpment trail.

The section of the escarpment trail from the notch was the steepest pile of rock I've ever had the pleasure of climbing in the Catskills. We should have put crampons on before we did because it was very slow going avoiding icy patches and finding rocks to grab onto. We wore crampons on the descent. It was snowing all day (no views) and our tracks were gone by the time we started down.

We saw a lot of animal tracks on the Dutcher Notch trail: bobcat, fox, turkey, grouse, squirrel and squirrels digging up nuts. This trail has a huge rock wall full of ice and a nice spring.