Blackhead Range - 2/24/08

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Dec 23, 2004
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Ithaca, NY
My brother and I spotted a car in Big Hollow and ascended via Barnum Road. Bareboot (and dog) tracks petered out just above a steep pitch around 2500-2700' and we broke trail through possibly a foot of snow from there to the summit of Black Dome. We scraped some occasional rocks with our snowshoes but they were certainly the right choice today. Flurries in the morning gave way to beautiful sunny skies by the time we reached Thomas Cole. It was warm from that point forward, with little wind. There are excellent snowshoe tracks between Black Dome, Blackhead, and between Lockwood Gap and Big Hollow. We had great views SW from Black Dome and W from the trail to Blackhead, and numerous excellent wintertime views from all trails. We also were fortunate enough to meet a pair of hiking book authors on the summit of Blackhead and had an interesting chat. The lower reaches of Batavia Kill could've been barebooted. There is a large blowdown at the top of the Caudal.

8/35 for us! :cool: