Blackhead Range + Escarpment - Saturday, 2/5/05

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Well-known member
Oct 21, 2004
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Kill Kaso, MA
Hi Everyone,

After last weeks delightful day at Hunter Mtn I would like to propose a challenging day hike in the Catskills: Blackhead Range (Thomas Cole to Black Dome to Blackhead) to Escarpment Trail up to Windham High Peak and out. This would obviously require a car spot and a 6:00am start time.

Trails would include:
Black Dome Tr. 4.0mi, 2900'
Blackhead Tr. 0.6mi, 500'
Escarpment Tr. 9.6mi, 1600'

Total mileage = 14.2mi
Total elevation = 5000' (give or take)

I believe the trail up to Blackhead is broken in but I'm not sure about Escarpment. If it proves too difficult we could always turn around at Blackhead or use Rt. 56 as an escape hatch and errr, hitchhike or just walk to the car. Any takers? Weather looks to be great and very warm. I've never hiked any of these trails before so if anyone knows potential showstoppers, please let me know -- the trail down Blackhead seems very steep, losing 1500' elevation very quickly. I have full crampons and even an ice axe if necessary.

-Dr. Wu
The trail between Blackhead and Blackdome is indeed very steep. The trail between Black Dome and WHP is not that well used and might be unbroken. Ice Axe I don't think is that necessary, personally. At least I've never felt a need for one in winter hiking in the catskills. You'll probably break your neck on a tree or a rock before you slide that far, wouldn't have much opportunity to self-arrest before you hit a tree anyway! :)

That trip is very very ambitious if it's not broken out but having said that, Sure, I can join you this saturday. I was thinking about a ski approach to do SW Hunter (as my reply to your Hunter report said) but I am flexible. We could spot a car at Peck Rd and then go up to Barnum and as you said, we can always bail on Big Hollow rd (CR56) if it's taking too much time. We can try to meet at Peck road to spot a car and then drive to Barnum to the trailhead (not that far).

Hey Jay,

Much appreciated for offering to change your plans for this hike. I think it'll be a good one.

A few things: If we feel pooped we could always turn around at Blackhead and leave the Escarpment for another day. Also, if the Escarpment isn't broken in A) warm daytime weather has probably caused the snow to lose its fluff and stiffen so movement should be easier -- especially w/ my MSR's and B) grades on the Escarpment Trail look gentle enough until Windham High Peak where we'll just have to make a break for it. The steep grade down Blackhead will take sometime though -- 1000' descent in about 0.6mi is no fun (glad I'm not going up that though!).

What do you think about the start time? Too early? I'm not sure I understand where you want to meet. I know Barnum Road but while I can find Peck road on my map, I don't understand why we're going to meet there. Isn't the Escarpment Trailhead off Rt. 23?


Dr. Wu
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Dr. Wu,

Peck Road makes it much easier and closer if you plan to spot cars. For what it's worth, I personally think it's easier to ascend Blackhead than descend if you have knees like mine. I can climb all day, but after about 10 miles, going downhill can be very painful.

At any rate, I've done this exact hike in the opposite direction in the summer and it's great. Awesome views from Burnt Knob and Acra Point. I've also walked the road from the end of CR56 back to Peck Road ..... it's longer than it looks ..... :eek: Another time, I was walking the same road after the same hike and I was fortunate enough to have a Ranger (whom I'd met at Burnt Knob earlier that day) ask if I wanted a ride. I gladly accepted.

Wish I could join you guys. Sold the condo and bought a new home so it looks like my only hiking will be carrying boxes in and out of the U-Haul. :p
Have fun.

Hmm, I think I'm about 2.5 hours from Rt 23C trailhead. I'm not sure of the entire mileage but I think 6:30am might be better. I'll try to figure out what kind of mileage we're talking about, hiking wise.

I think it might be better to park on Peck Rd (which is about a mile before the escarpment trail hits Rt 23C, because if we were to bail onto Big Hollow Rd, it would be a shorter walk to the car.

i12climbup: Thanks for the Map and the Suggestion! The Map is great. I understand what Peck Road is. Where do you get a map like this?

Jay: What do you think about doing this hike in reverse? I'm usually ok up or down -- 1000' in 0.6miles going up is hideous, like the Hancock Loop Trail in The Whites but I guess doable. Energy-wise, I guess I would still prefer going in Blackhead Range and out Escarpment. I'm usually better if I get the nasty climbing in early on in the trail and the gentle stuff later. I'll just have to deal with Windham High Peak -- but I imagine we could always bushwhack around it and out if we're too tired.

I'll bring two skateboards. If we have to leave via. RT 56 and nobody picks us up as hitch-hikers, we'll go Michael J. Fox style and hop on those boards and grab onto the back of a moving car. Just watch for those fertilizer trucks!

-Dr. Wu
The map is one of the 5 maps included with the NYNJTC combo packs for the Catskills. They can be bought online from the Trail Conference. Check out this link.

Their homepage is here.

I scanned and saved it to my pc years ago to help with trip planning. I think Jay has the same maps.
The NYNJTC has THE maps for the catskills:

I think it is still better to do the hike in the original planned order as I think it's better to get the harder stuff done early so you can at least gauge the time and energy to complete the Escarpment trail from Black Dome to WHP. I'll bring a headlamp and the usual winter assortment of gear.

Are you serious about the skateboard? I could bring my bike and lock that at Big Hollow Rd. I've done that before. I wonder if I should put my spiked tires on it though. I think a skateboard would just sink in the mush if it's warm out and the road is snow covered... Might run into a hiker on Big Hollow. it is a saturday and that trailhead can get quite crowded due to Black Head being a winter peak for the 3500. And its supposed to be a nice weekend... We could presumably be able to hitch a ride with a hiker.

Jay H said:
Are you serious about the skateboard? Jay

I'm totally not bringing a skateboard :D I don't even own one anymore.

6:30am start is good -- I figure it'll crowd up but probably not 6:30am. I'll bring my headlamp but I'd still like to be out of the woods sooner rather then later. Parking in Boston Saturday night will be a nightmare for me. It'll take me 3 hours to drive back and then 2 hours to park! haha. I expect that we'll have empty trails until maybe Windham High Peak. I'm looking forward to a quiet but endurance testing weekend. Corporate Takeovers, Poor Work Evaluations, My friend's dog passing away -- I need to get out and the Catskills are really perfect with the gorgeous forests and intimate mountain vistas. I really can't wait for this hike.

Oh, and i12climbup: Thanks for the link!

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Wu, you should definitely buy the NYNJTC maps, as enamored of the Catskills as you have recently become.
I did this hike from TC to WHP in October. I checked my journal for approximate times:

8:30-left the Barnum Rd TH
10:15-TC summit
1:00-junction of Escarpment w/ Batavia Kill Trail
2:45-trail junction in notch between Acra Point and Burnt Knob
5:15-Peck Rd parking lot

At Peck Rd. I was given a ride back to my car by two friendly backpackers who wouldn't accept the $5 I offered. They had just done the same route as a one-nighter.
The three Blackheads felt like a breeze that day, but I was dragging by Burnt Knob, and completely blown out by the summit of WHP. The stretch between Acra Pt and Windham can really seem long after doing all the other stuff. That said, the Escarpment is indeed pretty flat between Blackhead and Acra Pt. I'm sure you guys will be fine-just bring plenty of food and water. I would be up for this one, but I just did the Blackheads a couple weeks ago, and I'm planning on Plateau/Sugarloaf for Saturday. If you either or both of you wants to hang around the area and hike Sunday, PM or e-mail me. If you make it all the way over WHP, the norway spruce plantation on the west side will be a treat towards the end of your hike.

Wow, thanks for posting those times for us. I feel confident about starting at 6:30am now.

If you change your mind about Blackhead/Windham High Point on Saturday let us know! Should be a good one!

-Dr. Wu
Yes, the area around Elm Ridge (the leanto) is a nice one.. that leanto is a pretty nice leanto too.

I'll obviously show you the catskill maps when I see you. Mine is 1 version old but I have all the differences either marked on my map or in my head. The latest one is something like 2003 or so, mine is 1999.

I can't hike on sunday because I have things to do to prepare for Chinese New Year on Wednesday, Feb 9th (year of the rooster)..
