bomb found on wachusett

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Sep 26, 2003
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Evans, GA
Read this morning in the Boston Herald that a hiker found a pipe bomb on top of Wachusett Mt this past Sunday. Police closed the the park so the bomb squad could detonated it.
Hmm, I kind of hoped they dragged it out before detonating it...

Storm King Park on the Hudson, closer to Newburgh had a problem with unexploded ordinance, aka land mines and stuff and it was closed for a bunch. And you have to be careful when bushwacking near West Point, you don't wander into their park.. ;)

Awhile ago I remember taking a lady friend for a nice quiet walkand picnic in Black Rock forest that was interrupted by an artillery barrage :eek:
I thought it was kind of funny but she didn't and made me drive her back to NYC.
Worcester T & G

I didn't notice anything out of the ordinary on Sunday morning except there was some kind of race or walkathon going on. I let my dog cool his feet in the summit pond, and we also saw two Newfs swimming in it. I think we were there around 10 or 10:30. Makes me wonder who left it and why. Unless it was very powerful it was too far away from the lift to harm the ski area. Maybe someone wanted to get rid of the gold fish?

From the Worcester Telegram & Gazette

Monday, May 24, 2004

North Regional Digest

Small bomb found on Mount Wachusett
PRINCETON - State and local police closed the top of Mount Wachusett yesterday afternoon after a hiker spotted what appeared to be a small pipe bomb in the pond at the summit.

Police Chief Charles P. Schmohl said the device was about 4 inches long, capped at one end and had a wick, or igniter.

The state police bomb squad defused the device and disposed of it, according to Trooper Robert V. Choquette of the Holden barracks.

Chief Schmohl said hikers on the mountain were not allowed near the summit until about 4 p.m. The summit road isn't open yet, he said.

Trooper Choquette said the hiker walked down to the Department of Environmental Management office at the base of Mount Wachusett about 11:55 a.m. to report what he had seen. Princeton police responded and then notified the state police. The Princeton Fire Department also responded.

"The item was removed by the state police bomb squad and rendered safe," Trooper Choquette said.

State police would not elaborate on the type of the device.

Damn- anyone know if this is old or new ? The stuff on Storm King
is old stuff, like from 50-20 years old. West point used to lob shit into the area for field practice. In fact I read that a year or two ago they, accidently, lobbed a bomb into Harriman.
Reminds me of a time, many years ago, when I visited Worbarrow Bay on the Dorset Coast (Southern England) for some beach fishing.

The bay is within an army tank gunnery range and used to only be opened to the public for certain short periods each year. The totally undeveloped nature of the area was wonderful. (Ignoring the fact that the army kicked a whole village out in 1943 and never gave the land back.)

It was an early summers evening and there was still quite a crowd on the beach and I had to heed a call of nature. For the sake of modesty I clambered a little ways up the crumbly, earthen cliff to a small gully and proceeded to relieve myself.

It was one of those "I should have done this an hour ago" type marathons and all the while I'm keeping my eyes peeled for other beach goers. When I'm finally done and my gaze comes closer to home I notice that among the rocks sticking out of the ground is the unmistakable snout of an unexploded artillery shell!

Shall we just say I did not linger. My retreat down the cliff was both rapid and cautious.

I would guess new.

I don't know how old the pond is, but it gets regular activity. Every so often the pond is drained. I think the last time might've been last summer. There's also an organization that does a survey on a particular salamander (spotted maybe?) in the pond. The stone wall around it gets rebuilt periodically too. I'd think that anything older would have been seen by now.
I can't find the link to the news report about the "bomb". Turns out that it was a pvc tube that contained a notebook or register of sorts. Possibly used in geo-caching. The bomb squad managed to thoroughly shred the notebook.

Sorry, False Alarm!
Brings up another interesting issue with geocaching. I know some geocachers use clear tupperware but there are also others that use PVC piping and/or old ammunition boxes... Makes it more important for the geocachers to get permission and notify park rangers of where there are. I hope this doesn't become a common occurance and a waste of resources blowing up geocaches!

i say get rid of the geo-caches... littering the land = no good...

why can't these people just hike to a lost pond or area where nobody has been before, rather then store garbage in the hills.

my .02
Once when I was a kid...

I grew up in a small Town called Hudson, MA.

Back then there was about 18,000 people or so.

There also was a small Army Base, very small at that.

Well it next to a Town Forrest and some friends of mine and myself decided to "explore". After about an hour of walking and "exploring" we stumble across some signs that say do not enter GOVT. Property or something. We figured they won't even know we are out here. Well about 20 mins later we found out that they WILL find us and they did with rifles pointed at us at first then lowered when they figured out we where just kids. They took us into custody and brought us to the base. Our parents had to pick us up. It's funny back then when we told the story to our friends it was much more details and umm embelished. I think there was a version with a rifle being fired, another with land mines, another with secrete things we saw. It's funny, but now a days stuff like this would make the news. "Local Teens mistaken as Terrosists, the one that survived is seriously injured, more on the 11 o'clock news".

This is not a joke on our military! I think the most of them! Kick ash boys!