Bondcliff 02/26/07

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Nov 19, 2004
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Freeport, ME
Saturday my sister and I hiked up to Bondcliff. We had hoped to bag Bond as well but decided to save that for another day. The day started with a 4:30 a.m. wake up call and we were on the road by 5:00 with hopes of getting to the trailhead by 7:15 or so. We were making great time up until I got pulled over. Apparantly, the temporary plates have fallen off the car and I was driving without liscense plates. After about 20 minutes or so he let us go.

We headed off on the Wilderness Trail just before 8:00. With the longer days the sun was doing a nice job at warming things was 0 degrees at the ranger station. The trails were in great shape and easy going up until the last steep section. Above that the snow was deep and we talked about putting the snowshoes on but decided not too.

The views from the summit were great! The wind have picked up a little though so we decided not to go over to Bond. We hung out on top for about 1 1/2 hours...eating and taking pictures. I wish we could have stayed longer but we were both getting a little chilled.....As much as I enjoy the winter I'm starting to turn the corner and I'm looking forward to warmer days.
Overall another great day to be out!

Mary Ellen:


I know you have that fancy camera -- give us some nice pictures. I love that area!

OK, ok.......I may have the fancy camera but beyond that I am seriously challenged when it comes to the "techy" stuff :)

Yes - pictures! :)

Bondcliff is top of my list of favorite places in the Whites and I plan to be back there real soon.

Did you ski or hike the Wilderness trail?

MEB said:
OK, ok.......I may have the fancy camera but beyond that I am seriously challenged when it comes to the "techy" stuff :)

But, the people have voted -- look at everyone wanting pictures. We're practically crying here! Just plug the camera into the computer and turn it on. There's gotta be some way to do it!?


-Dr. Wu
Anyone up to coming to Freeport and giving me a lesson on how to get the pictures on??? :) I've mastered getting them onto my computer and then onto a disk but that's about all. BobandGeri sent me a picture from last weeks hike on the Willey range so I could get an avatar up. (thanks so much!) HikerBob, I tried down loading the site you recommened and I got that far but I've yet to figure out how to shink the pictures....

We hiked the whole way...skies would have been nice on the Wilderness Trail...I had a big sled with me too and we thought about thowing the packs in there and towing them but decided not to. To say the least our feet were on fire by the end of the day!!! The flats really make my feet sore and not the mention there is not a lot of flex in a plastic boot. Should have worn my other ones but I did not want to have cold feet.

Adamiata...the whole trip took about 9 1/2 hour. 4 1/2 to summit and then we longed for quite a while. The last five miles took about a half hour longer due to the state of our burning feet! At one point I thought about just taking them off and walking in my socks...probably not a smart thing to do though. it goes...I've been up since 5 this morning working on this. I would like to extend my thanks to everyone who sent me suggestions and offered help!

My pictures are here...

For some reason this doesn't look right....isn't this supossed to turn blue so you can just click it????
Great pics Mary Ellen! I hope Ivy and I get as nice weather for our upcoming adventure.

Now - how about some Whiteface pics? (and other trips I'm sure) :)

See, now people love you even more!

Now you just have to tell people that you own a microbrew that gives out free beer to hikers. You'll be set for life :p

-Dr. Wu
Great Pictures

Great Pictures - it was a great day to be out! I met you on the summit unofficially. I did get "ragged" on the rest of the day for taking them the "hard" way across the traverse :) Glad you had a great hike!
Nice to meet you too OCGirl....I was wondering if that might be you as I saw your report under trail condidtions. I'm glad to hear that you sucessfully made the traverse!

MEB said: it goes...
For some reason this doesn't look right....isn't this supossed to turn blue so you can just click it????

MEB, Thanks for a good chuckle after a long day! This sounds like something I would say. Obviously now everyone on VFTT will know that it is the 'Bob' half of 'BobandGeri' that does all the photo and computer work. Hope to see you soon! Geri