Book on NE hiking being written - author looks for contributors

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Sep 3, 2003
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Near the Adirondack Blue Line
My friend, Carol White has written a couple of anthologies, one titled Catskill Peak Experiences and the other Adirondack Peak Experiences. Carol is hard at work on her New England Peak Experiences. Using the other 2 as a guide, NEPE will be excellent as well. She is looking for contributors with each story its individual chapter. There are many who post here who have great stories to tell. Sure hope Forestgnome decides to post stores about his wildlife interactions.

Here is Carol's summary of the project and what she's looking for:

If you have a story to tell about hiking/climbing in New England, Carol White is compiling another anthology, the third in the trilogy of Peak
Experiences books. Visit for previous "peak
experiences" contents to guide your possible subject choices, which may
include everything from a days-long backpack to vignettes about
interesting experiences in the mountains. Previous tales include
accidents, hypothermia and frostbite, bushwhacking, getting lost, lessons
learned, extreme weather, animal encounters, equipment malfunction or
forgetting vital items, humor, nature observation, accounts of why we do
this, tales of the old days, and much more. You can submit a story via a
Word attachment to [email protected] or send to 28 Mulberry St., Clinton,
NY 13323, and include a picture to illustrate it. Rather than a specific
deadline, she will collect great stories until she has enough material
for a book of about 300 pages."
A plug for Carol! She's a great lady, and her husband is a fan of viewsandbrews! :D

No money for sending in articles (and very little for Carol as I understand it), but 15 minutes of fame! :D We've contributed articles in the past and are writing for this one as well.
I wrote a chapter for the Adirondacks Peak Experiences.
Planning on a couple for NEPE. Ditto Tom's comment about Carol. She is a first class writer, hiker and author and the stories she's soliciting for here anthology will be a classic.
I wrote a chapter for the Adirondacks Peak Experiences.
Planning on a couple for NEPE. Ditto Tom's comment about Carol. She is a first class writer, hiker and author and the stories she's soliciting for here anthology will be a classic.
And oh yeah! She's a Winter 46'er and a Winter 48'er!
I met Carol White on Ike about 10 years ago and have had a few correspondences since about hiking, writing, etc. She was working on the ADKs book then. She seems like a very solid, nice, knowledgeable person. I wouldn't hesitate to work with her. And, in case you haven't done this sort of thing before, to have her edit a submission.
I met Carol White on Ike about 10 years ago and have had a few correspondences since about hiking, writing, etc. She was working on the ADKs book then. She seems like a very solid, nice, knowledgeable person. I wouldn't hesitate to work with her. And, in case you haven't done this sort of thing before, to have her edit a submission.
In my case, the submissions were only very lightly edited, if at all.
I've been in correspondence with Carol and Dave White since Steve Smith referred them to me this summer. I finally sent them my submission today.

I checked out their prior work and I liked what I saw. So far they've been nothing but pleasant to work with and I can't imagine that would change. And just the fact that Steve Smith recommended them was reason enough for me to get involved with them.

I know several other folks from this board were invited to write as well and I believe some have already submitted pieces.
I'm not sure I have any stories interesting enough to warrant inclusion, but I'll look forward to the finished product.
I'm not sure I have any stories interesting enough to warrant inclusion, but I'll look forward to the finished product.
It does not have to involve Sasquatch, Wolves, and Dr. Wu attacking you from 3 sides while you stood on the summit of Bond Cliff. It just has to be meaningful to you. Let Carol decide! :D
thanks for bringing this to my attention, I know that there are other masters of the pen that are far more experienced than I, but I have submitted some things to Carol. If the mods don't object here is a small paragraph of a little thought:

The Philosophy of Hiking

The boots are tied up, trekking poles tightened, and the pack slung on your shoulders. The only thing that is stopping you is the trail ahead and the desire to penetrate and climb to the peak you seek or the scenic vista hidden like a carbuncle of yore from a passerby. The climb progresses as the fleece is eschewed as the body becomes a powerhouse climbing up the steep rugged trail. Perhaps underfoot you stand several feet above the ground with snowshoes, or crawl up the random boulders that bar the momentum of the climb. Regardless of the season, the lore of hiking draws out a side in people that so often hidden in daily life. In the philosophical sense the climb can be life itself. The start of the trail is birth and as you progress, into ‘middle age’ coming to the summit. That apex is the downhill so many dread, but it does not feel bad, as it is familiar even to the moment you end the hike. You look back on the trail, life itself, and thank God for such a privilege.
