Boston Beer Night

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Oct 22, 2004
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Any interest in a Boston Beer Night next Tuesday, January 24, 2006??
Somewhere near Government Center/North Station...

Hmmmm...I am going to look and see if any prominent VFTTers are celebrating a birthday that day...I wonder...

I will vote for Boston Beer Works unless anyone else has any suggestions!

4:30-5pm til whenever...bring your own liver!
sapblatt said:
Hmmmm...I am going to look and see if any prominent VFTTers are celebrating a birthday that day...I wonder...4:30-5pm til whenever...bring your own liver!

HMMMMMMMM. I think some famous "journalist" has a birthday that same day. She MAY be convinced to atttend :p

Where and when- and please don't conflict with the Nashua/So. NH beer night....... :eek:
sapblatt said:
Hmmmm...I am going to look and see if any prominent VFTTers are celebrating a birthday that day...I wonder...

Well ... I don't know about the "prominent" part but, gee, as luck would have it, I will be celebrating a birthday that day! (Yes, I will be 39) :D I would be honored to spend the evening with my hiking "family"!

And, I for one, vote for Boston Beer Works. Good choice!

And if I remember correctly, there's another VFTTer who will be celebrating a birthday around then ... right, Tony!

FunkyFreddy -- aka my "twin" -- this event has your name all over it!
In a remarkable coincidence, I have an eye appointment at 3:30 that day right in the North End, so I think that my dilated eyes would enjoy a frosty one while they recover. :)

No ... grappa ... ever ... again ...
I'm in.

Just turned 39 on Jan 1 so I'll brief you on the particulars. ;)

Boston Beer Works? I really, really was hoping for the Tap (Sullivans) so we can put that joke to bed. ;)

Jaytrek57, wait until you turn 40 and have your annual physical. Your in for a big surprise! :eek: They are going to get "medieval" on you... :D

I also hope to make it, but I can't get there until about 6:30. Is that too late?
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We are talkin' the BBW near the Gahden and not the BBW near Fenway Pahk, right? I am all over it. Sorry that I missed the Gathering in Kingfield last weekend, but had to work (ouch!). I will wear my blue UNH hockey cap.
Dr. Dasypodidae said:
We are talkin' the BBW near the Gahden and not the BBW near Fenway Pahk, right?

Yup, that's the one -- on Canal Street as you approach the Gahden.
I'm usually not one to make a big deal about these things, but since it's a group party already, let's just say there is another VFTTer that has her birthday very close to that date...I'll be there!
Jaytrek57 said:
I'm in.

Just turned 39 on Jan 1 so I'll brief you on the particulars. ;)


Hey, that's my birthday too... I turned 27 again (stop coughing Seema)

I'd attend, but I live in Southern NH, so I have to wait for Southern NH night.
What a coincidence, I'll be turning 39 this year, too! :cool:

I'll be there.
I'm tempted......

I would love to celebrate my 29th with my VFTT friends :)