Boston Beer Night

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alpinista said:
Hey, how come my "twin" gets to be 10 years younger than me?! :D
It's never too late to have a happy childhood.

I'm going to try to make this one as well. Less Whooping, more beer.

Stan said:
What a coincidence, I'll be turning 39 this year, too!
Yeah, me too.
For the 17th time.
Wish I could be there, but I won't be back in the region until the 27th.
Okay, I'll try to get out of work for this one (I think I missed the last two beer nights) since it's very close to my Birthday as well. 29 beers for 29 years? Sounds like it could be a fun night! If I don't make it there, happy birthday to all!
Dave was kind enough to point me to this event. And since I have several years experience at being 39, I really should join you all and offer a few words of wisdom. It begins with "Avoid the good Dr. like the plague."

Anyway, I'll make it if I can get out from under this head cold.

No whooping, but possibly some snuffling. I'll keep at least 10 feet between me and all VFTTers.
arm said:
why celebrate the anniversary of your 39th bday when you can celebrate the anniversary of your 29th ? :)

hope to make it tonight, if i can escape the gravitational pull of w*rk ...

happy anniversary !

funny ... i'm just hoping to avoid the gravitational pull of age! :eek:

looking forward to seeing everyone there for this aquarian beerfest! :D
Great time! Thanks for getting everyone together, Sapblatt and thanks for the VFTT cake, Jess. It was great seeing several of you again and meeting lots of new VFTTers! :D :D :D

A few notes: Katie - I'm definitely up for a midweek hike on a nice day. AMSTony and Lisa - we should keep in touch to see if we can finish up some our final few 67 peaks together. SK - I have the date you mentioned etched in my memory and will make every effort to be there.

Agreed! A fantastic time and kudos to the cake arrangers! It was great to see old friends, make a few new ones, be surprised by a long-distance traveler, and celebrate everyone's old age.

3-1/2 hours after my eye dilation, I still had trouble driving home. I think I didn't need the extra round of drops!
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It was a great time--great people, great conversation! Always good to catch up with the local (and not so, in FunkyFreddy's case) VFTT gang, and to meet some new people. Marty--I'll certainly contact you when I pick a day. Lisa--Buon Viaggio! Dave--I'll let you know how it goes on Magnolia :) Everyone--thanks for the birthday cake celebration!
Thanks everyone for a fabulous Aquarian birthday fest! I had a blast ... and only wish I didn't have to go to w**k today! :D

edit postscript: I have been properly reminded to clean up my language and not spell out such foul-mouthed, four-letter words as "w**k". Thanks for the reminder, Arm! :D
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alpinista said:
only wish I didn't have to go to work today! :D

Is that where I am right now? Ugh. And I left earlier than a lot of people!
It was good to meet all who attended including a couple of "better halfs", a lovely lurker and Funky Freddy who came all the way up from New York to join us ... we should return the courtesy and hop aboard the Acela VFTT express next time they're gathering in NYC.

... I never knew beer could go so well with cake ... it had to be the company!
Thanks for a great birthday!

It was great to meet everyone, had a really good time Tues! My head was swirling yesterday, I wonder why :rolleyes: ;)

I can't thank everyone enough, can't think of a better way to spend my birthday than hanging out with friends from VFTT. It was great to see so many old and new faces! I'll have to try and make more of these Boston events, get up to New England more often. Thanks, Fred