Boston Marathon!

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Weeee, congrats and hope it didn't rain on you. It was gloomy down by me by NYC... not much rain but just gloomy and chilly.

Congratulations, Mimi! Great time and great accomplishment! :)
Congrats Mimi! What a great race to be part of!

What a fantastic race, especially for the women! Look for Kara to pull it off next year. The last 3 miles was as exciting as it gets. And wasn't it great to see Bill Rodgers back again at the age of 61. And did you catch the shots of Richard Whitehead - a double amputee who finished in 2:50:57! How about Robert Borglund who finished in 3:50:49 - not too shabby for somebody that is 80 years old!
...and in case any one is wondering, since Mimi can Generally be found in the Backcountry, I chose this sub-forum...:)

I spent my lunchbreak in front of the hospital watching for her to run by...but alas...I think she was too fast and had already gone by!
Congrats Mimi! What a great race to be part of!

What a fantastic race, especially for the women! Look for Kara to pull it off next year. The last 3 miles was as exciting as it gets. And wasn't it great to see Bill Rodgers back again at the age of 61. And did you catch the shots of Richard Whitehead - a double amputee who finished in 2:50:57! How about Robert Borglund who finished in 3:50:49 - not too shabby for somebody that is 80 years old!

Not a runner but I've done a 5k with Bill Rodgers. Who managed to finish today at 4 hours and 6 minutes, so this 80 year old Mr Borglund beat him by 16 minutes! :)

Searchable results here:

Nice to see Americans place so high.

Agreed. I watched in person for the first time this year, at about the half way mark in Wellesley, where both Ryan Hall and Kara Goucher were looking really strong in the middle of their respective packs. Then, we watched the final 5-6 miles on TV, where Kara led the final few miles but then got out-sprinted in the last mile for 3rd, and Ryan tried to close the gap but came up short, also for third. Best American showing in a really long time.

But, most amazing to me was Canadian Rick Ball on his one flex leg, who set a new PR at 3:01:50, and Richard Whitehead from U.K. on his double flex legs, who finished in 3:02:00; simply incredble!
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Nice job Mimi!

Very impressive....I was entering the splits on my analytical spreadsheet and were discussing afterwards with my friends from New York Road Runners and they were equally of them said: "This woman really knows how to run a marathon".

Look at these 5K-splits!

And then the last 2.2K went in 12 minutes and change....

1:56 and 2:01 for the halves......

Let me know if you need some leg massage......;)
We had a team from where I work running, so we were tracking them as well as Mimi all day on the marathon site by thier bib numbers -- and YEAH! Mimi ran an extremely consistent race; the site has her overall pace at 9:02 min/mile!

Way to go Mimi........last I heard from her she was training for the marathon, and I was wondering how she did.
Great job!!
Oh, all right. Congrats Mimi, well done! Did you sing your way through it?:D
A big thank's to all my hiking buddies!!

You all rock!!! for taking the time for me. It was an amazing experience. Wanted to run it under 4hours to re-qualify again. Was short of 4 minutes on my personal best from October 08 in a FLAT no hill marathon.

Boston marathon, takes on a new meaning of hills for me. The quads lost most of their strenght at mile 20. Stubborn will & good training pushed me for the remaining of the race.

When I saw the 40km mark, I looked at my watch for the first time into the race & realized I could finish under 4 hours if I can find it in me to push on a tempo mode.

I truly don't know how I did it, but IT WAS SWEET. I felt the famous & what I believe to be the magical crowd effect of Boston in the last 2.2km, which by my definition; I was carried on a silver plater to the finish line.

Boston marathon is the highest summit of all marathons. Once again, thank you for your kind thoughts & energy! This one was my 3rd marathon in 5 months & hopefully, I can run another one next May 24th in Ottawa, Canada.

Looking forward to hike & celebrate at the next gathering with all of yous!

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