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Jul 4, 2007
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Home: Fulton, NY: Wright W46 finish
While out doing allen this monday was just wondering when the bridge is set to be redone? When i got back to the registery, it had two mens names in it which said they where there taking pictures for bridge placement. So this means they will be making plans maybe for next yr sometime. Anyone have any other updates?
That most likely was about the "historic walkway" over Lake Jimmy. The Opalescent crossing worked well this past season, much liked the Indian Pass one (leading to Street and Nye) has for decades. It can easely be argued that when the Opalescent River crossing is impossible so are the Twin Brook and the Skylight Brook crossings.
I realize the bridge site is on private land and no one has any say about it.

But I'm not sure of the logic: "...when the Opalescent River crossing is impossible so are the Twin Brook and the Skylight Brook crossings."

Does that mean that if there is one trail or route somewhere in the mountains that is impassable at high water, we should rip out all the bridges everywhere...??? Confused...
This has nothing to do with private land status (bridge and trail are under DEC control), it's more about spending a large sum of tax payers money for a bridge that gets washed by the spring ice jams every few years. And of course I meant that since roads occasionally get floaded by torrential rain we should do with all bridges on the planet earth...:D