AMC hike on Saturday. Eight of us went out via Black Pond (which two or three people had hiked on Friday), they went up the slide, we freed the bushwhack. Rather nice line, if I do say so myself!
There were snow bridges on the crossings, and they felt pretty solid.
The Black Pond bushwhack is a bit west of normal, but I have to say, it's not bad! Pretty out in the open without a lot of whacking of bushes, and a little higher, so that the route avoids all the boggy areas.
Snowshoes are needed from the Lincoln Brook trail out and back.
There were snow bridges on the crossings, and they felt pretty solid.
The Black Pond bushwhack is a bit west of normal, but I have to say, it's not bad! Pretty out in the open without a lot of whacking of bushes, and a little higher, so that the route avoids all the boggy areas.
Snowshoes are needed from the Lincoln Brook trail out and back.