Cabot on 1/12/2014.......brrrrrrrrr

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Feb 13, 2013
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The day started out with light snow, it was windy at the bottom, but nothing to turn back over. The snow was wet and sticky, as expected the water was high all along the Bunnell flat area, one stream had to be crossed over a down tree. Once starting the ascent it was slushy covered ice all the way to the top. There were a few really solid ice spots on exposed areas on the way up but the snow was light enough to see that it was something to be wary of. Micro spikes on the way up and down with a little bit more caution to stay close to the edges on the hard spots on the way down. One thought I had on the way down was to share this information with everyone because it was getting seriously cold and all of that ice is going to be hard by today! So unless there is a significant snow storm please be careful climbing Cabot. Also another note is I summited in April and there was a pretty good sized wooden plaque on a tree, it didn't seem at the time that it was the highest spot but I walked everywhere around "just in case". Yesterday it was a tiny little piece of wood on a tree that had a path to it, which ended there at the tree. The little piece of wood had "Cabot" carved into it and it was on the far side of the tree. Not really sure if it was the same tree or not? Maybe someone else knows? It did however seem to be the highest point yesterday. But the wind was whipping at about 45 or 50 and I was getting seriously cold with my heartbeat slowing down so it all started to get a little scary and we left. So #34 on the winter 48 completed and 14 hard ones left to do!!